8. On The Vedge of Destruction

"Sir, the shareholders have gathered at the company, sir. They are waiting for your arrival. They are threatening to withdraw their shares in the company."


Dion's father held his left chest which suddenly throbbed with pain. The shock mixed with panic hearing the news brought by his personal assistant made his heart not feel well.

"Sir, are you okay?" asked Dion's father's assistant because he saw his boss's face grimacing and as if he was holding back pain.

"No! I'm okay. Get my things in the office, we're leaving for the company now."

Without saying much, Dion's father's assistant immediately took a large bag containing a laptop and important documents along with several of his employer's cellphones. Then the two of them prepared to leave the house. 

"Dion, Daddy is firing you right now. Daddy is taking over all the company's affairs! Don't interfere anymore or Daddy will be even more embarrassed because of your behavior!" 

Dion's father shouted as he said that. Of course Dion and his mother could hear Dion's father's words. 

"What's this, Mom?" asked Dion confused. 

"Come on Dion, don't think about it yet. You just rest, okay? Clear your mind first so that you won't be reckless when making decisions." 

The wise words from his mother made Dion fall silent and think.

"It's better for Daddy to handle everything now. If it were you, you would get emotional and the problem would get more complicated," Dion's mother added, making Dion immediately nod his head in agreement. 

Before heading to his car, Dion's father called two bodyguards who always accompanied him to find a way through the crowd of journalists in front of the gate. With the help of two security guards, the two bodyguards tried to guard the car driven by Dion's father so that it could drive safely. They pushed aside the crowd of journalists, who were so determined and reluctant to move, that the bodyguards were forced to do something. 


A warning shot was fired by one of the bodyguards into the air, causing the crowd of journalists to break apart. They immediately moved aside to make way for the car driven by Dion's father. They were afraid that if they insisted on crowding, it was possible that they would be hit by stray bullets or even hit by the car. 

Dion's father's car sped away, heading straight to the company. In the meeting room, the investors were already waiting impatiently for Dion's father to arrive. They agreed to withdraw their shares in the company owned by Dion's father. 

The viral news about Dion and Veronica certainly made them anxious. They were afraid that the stock price in the company would immediately drop and they would suffer losses. Moreover, they were also worried that their name as shareholders in the company would also be tarnished, so they all wanted to withdraw their shares. 

Meanwhile, Veronica managed to disguise herself by wearing a maid's uniform in the house. Veronica completed her appearance with a wig and a mask that covered her mouth and part of her nose. Veronica's disguise made her look different and people would not think that she was Veronica. 

This is where Veronica is now. She is in the car with a maid whom she forced to accompany her. They pretended to go shopping at the supermarket to buy kitchen supplies. A driver and bodyguard accompanied them both. Veronica contacted the security guard, asking him to act so that she could leave the house. 

The car carrying Veronica sped off, then when approaching the gate, a security guard opened the gate so that several journalists pushed through and approached. 

"Excuse me, sir, the maids in this house are going shopping. Please do not prevent them from carrying out their duties," the security guard asked, clasping both hands in front of his chest, a sign of apology.

Several journalists willingly moved aside and made way for the car. They did not realize that the person in the car was Veronica, so they let the luxury car pass without any obstacles. 

The car that Veronica was riding in drove on the road at maximum speed. Veronica forced her driver to increase speed because she did not want to be late for her workplace. So far, Alexander William had always emphasized to Veronica to always be on time and set a good example for other employees. 

They would arrive at their destination in a few meters, but suddenly Veronica's driver slowed down the car, then stopped. 

"Why?" said Veronica who did not pay attention to her surroundings because she was busy with her gadget.

"Miss, there's a crowd of reporters again!"

Veronica unconsciously dropped her phone in surprise. One thing that escaped Veronica's mind was that reporters were indeed hunting her.

"Quickly contact the front security guard to let us through!" Veronica ordered, immediately responding to the situation.

The driver immediately contacted the security guard on duty at the post near the gate to convey Veronica's order. The security guard immediately moved to tell the reporters to pull over.

"There's an important guest coming through," the security guard replied when a reporter asked why they were told to pull over.

The car that Veronica was riding in drove past the crowd of journalists. They were of course curious about who was in the car, but they did not dare to disturb them because the security guard said that the person who came was an important guest. They did not want to disturb other people who they considered had no business with them. They were only targeting Veronica and her family. 

Luckily, the car was equipped with tinted windows so that Veronica's presence could not be seen from the outside. Veronica felt tense for fear that her presence would be known by the journalists. The woman breathed a sigh of relief once they managed to pass the journalists and finally arrived at the company parking lot.

"You, Guys, just go home, if the reporters at home have gone home, let me know," Veronica ordered the driver and maid. 

"Yes, Miss. Excuse me," said the driver who hurriedly turned his car around and drove away from the place. He called the security guard again to be given the way as before. 

Under the astonished gazes of the staff who saw Veronica coming in a maid's outfit, Leon's wife indifferently walked to the toilet to change clothes. The staff who had been whispering and talking about the viral video, finally became more enthusiastic about talking about Veronica with her strange appearance that day.

Once she had changed her clothes, Veronica went straight to her office. A beautiful woman approached Veronica who had just sat down. She nodded politely, then said, "Excuse me, Mrs. Veronica, you were called by Mr. Hutomo."

Hutomo is a man who serves as General Manager at William Corporation. Hutomo was appointed directly by Alexander William to handle the company. Meanwhile, Veronica herself only serves as a division manager. Alexander William has not given his trust to Veronica because he thinks that his granddaughter is not yet qualified.

Without saying much, Veronica immediately got up and swung her steps towards Hutomo's office. The middle-aged man had been waiting for Veronica's arrival.

There was a knock on the door, making Hutomo immediately straighten his body which was originally leaning on his large chair. 

"Come in!" shouted Hutomo while tightening his tie which he had loosened due to the tightness that hit him. Cold sweat dripped all over his body, Hutomo felt tense facing the situation that had just happened. 

With sure steps Veronica entered the room with maximum air conditioning. Veronica knew, Hutomo would definitely talk about the reporters who were also gathered outside the company gate. 

"Please sit down, Miss Veronica!"

Without saying much, Veronica immediately sat down and stared sharply at the man she had always respected according to Alexander William's request. Hutomo took a deep breath, he felt increasingly tense, he felt like he was being squeezed by a thick wall that made it difficult for him to breathe normally. 

"Miss Veronica, do you know what we are going to talk about?" 

"Go straight to the point, Sir. Tell me what happened!" 

Hutomo found it difficult to open his mouth, for a moment he was silent and thought, trying to put together words, how to say if something so critical was hitting their company. 

"Miss Veronica, I hope you are not surprised by this news."

"Just say it quickly, don't beat around the bush!"

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