Chapter 5

“For when the centre can no longer hold,things fall apart.

Once every Lunar year you shall find yourself”

Gill was in a trance,

He has seen this exact dream over and over.

Growing up he would always see himself at the end of a long hallway,every other person seemed to want one thing or the other from him.

He could point out the deficiencies and ills of everyone he came in contact with,and he was able to make them whole.

Gill had this dream every four years just about his birth date.

Now he blacked out in front of his grandfather’s grave and got the same premonition.

The last thing he remembered was him kneeling in front of the grave.

The dream was in the exact same sequence of the ones he had before now.

Waking up to see the old book open to the exact chapter that says the same words he often hears in his trance.

“When the center can no longer hold,things fall apart.

Once every lunar year you shall find your self”

Could this be a message?

He looked closer at the old book,

Now on the ground.

To his amazement

He saw his name written in tiny fine prints using a ball pen.

“Look inward Gill,your answers lies there in”

Those fine prints were his grandfather’s writings.

Obviously this is a message for him,all these years he had the book he didn’t see the message.

Could this be why his life is in shambles.

Is he on the wrong path?

Now it all makes sense,

He instantly put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Gill stood up ,picked up the old book and bowed

In front of his grandfather’s grave in gratitude.

Exiting the cemetery gate he picked his suitcase.

It was a new Gill.

Gill was reborn,he just had a supernatural encounter.

He was sure a celestial being touched his soul.

Most likely Gilaed the forth his grandfather and patriarch,just reinforced his soul journey.

He has just been anointed and empowered to fulfil his destiny.

After all,he was an alpha Indian.

They are not failures.

They are noble successful men.

How could he give up.

How could another man live his life.

How could Oscar take his wife,house and even father his daughter.

No,this is not quintessential to his tribe,he won’t allow that to be his story.he thought to himself.

He strode with great strides,he was power filled.

He moved as though the suitcase was weightless.

His face glowed as the sun rays hit him,before he knew what was happening,he was at the bank.

“How may I be of service sir?”the customer care executive asked him.

“I want to see the manager” he replied.

This was a confident Gill,he had nothing to do the pawns in the field,he would rather talk to the man in charge.

“Okay sir,I will let him know right away sir”the customer care executive prompted.

“There you go sir “the last door by your left that’s the manager’s office.the customer care executive voiced.

Gill went to the door.

On getting there the door open.

An average heighted

Pot bellied Caucasian male with a bald front hair line

Was standing,ushering him in.

Am Mr Charles,the manager.

“You welcome Sir,please have a sit.”he smiled as Gill sat.

“What brings you to the bank today Sir”he went on.

“I want a loan “Gill said.

“There are procedures and requirements for loan services sir.”the manager replied.

“I know that and that’s why am here”Gill replied.

“What are the requirements?”he asked.

“Ok here we go sir”he handed a list of requirements to Gill.

Employment letter,

Tax invoice,

Workplace I.d

And a photocopy of your most recent paycheck.

Gill opened his suitcase and handed all the required documents to the manager.

“Okay Sir just one more thing,can you help me fill out this form?”as he gave the loan request form to Gill.

Gill duly filled the form and pened his signature at the provided space,before returning the form to the manager.

“Here are your documents Sir,I have made copies that will be attached to your form.

But there is a problem sir,

You want a loan of five hundred thousand dollars?”he asked.

“Yes thats the amount I need”Gill replied.

“Am afraid your salary scale does not qualify you for such amount of money sir,you will have to review the amount downwards”he the form back to Gill to correct,reached for his drawer to take his pills.

Just as he took two tablets to swallow,Gill called out

“Mr Charles,don’t take those”

Why?he asked surprised at Gill.

“These are my routine drugs prescribed by my doctor “he said.

“What are you?you are not a doctor it says here on your I.d you are a teacher.”

“If you take those drugs, be sure to die within the next hour,your blood pressure is already low,this will further reduce it and your heart is already working under pressure.

your heart could pack up in minutes if you take those drugs.”Gill told him with such certainty that he got scared.

Who is this?how did he know his health?how could he know his blood pressure and heart condition just by looking at him.

“Your breath is irregular,I suggest you see your doctor now,we can continue this later”Gill told him.

Mr Charles was already shaky and anxious for he has not seen such precision in diagnosis,not even from a doctor.

He stormed out of his office and order his deputy to see Gill through the process.

Gill told the deputy manager not to bother,he would rather wait till Mr Charles is back so he could complete his loan request.

“Hello,am I unto Royal Liebie Bank?”the operator asked over the phone.

“Yes ma’am,”the deputy bank manager replied.

“How may we be of service ma’am?”

There is a certain man by the Name Gill Odeon Gillaed.

“We understand he visited your bank and referred Mr Charles to us for immediate medical care.

Is he by any means still available?”the operator at San Jose Memorial Hospital asked.

“Yes ma’am he is still here,is there anything we need to know about him ma’am?”the deputy manager was security conscious.

No not really,he is a person of interest,

His unorthodox approach to medical diagnosis and precision defies medical and scientific laws laid down decades ago.

The chief specialist physician wants him over here asap.

He saved Mr Charles’ life.

Please help us get him over here.”

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