Chapter 6

It is an ultra modern complex.

A state of the art life saving system,made up of units of sophisticated life supporting machines.

A refill and succour point where humans came to get recharged.

The best of its kind.

San Jose Memorial.

The hospital ranked amongst the top 5 best in the world, had the best of nurses and specialists doctors.

Its modern buildings and scenery made it a sight to behold.

Standing at the emergency ward with his suitcase and old family book,Gill was amazed at the level of technology and organisation his eyes was seeing.

Everyone seemed to be busy doing something.

The beeps, instructions and calls on the radio was audible yet not loud.

The nurses were dressed in white like angels,name tags,signages and display screens made it easy to access every department and ward you wanted to.

“Hello,am Gill and I was called to see the chief physician”he told the lady at the reception.

“Just a moment Sir”she replied.tapping her computer keyboard.

Almost immediately a young lad, probably an intern appeared.

“This way sir,Dr Suptra is taking his ward round,he requests you meet him up there.”he told Gill.

Gill lost count of the floor they were at,the lift kept climbing.

Finally they where there.

Gill still carrying his suit case and family old book stood looking at the glass theatre.

There were so many doctors and nurses focused on Mr Charles who was laying down unconscious.

The doctors and nurses studied the charts and machine readings.

One of the nurses signalled the older looking white beard man wearing white with the name tag

Chief dr Suptra Rahun.

All eyes turned to Gill at the moment.

Gill suddenly realized,he was looking different.

Their eyes said it all,

Who was this man?

What planet is he from?

Who still dresses this way in 21st century America.

How was he able to precisely say what was wrong with their patient?

“Hello Mr Gill,am Dr Suptra Rahun,the chief medical director of the Hospital.

I sent for you for”he said as he glance at Gill once more.

Our patient Mr Charles,told us how you diagnosed his medical conditions by just looking at him. Dr Suptra added as they walked to his office.

“You know Gill,you virtually saved Mr Charles’ life”

“If he didn’t come over to the hospital when he did,he would have been a dead man now.

You see Gill,in our field most times,the survival of a patient is determined by time.there is a thin line between life and death.

The human body is an assembly of multiple single units of organs which are all specialized in one function or the other,all these organs need constant supply of blood and oxygen to function properly.i will spare you the lecture Gill,we are not in a lecture hall.”he reminded himself as he told Gill.

By now they were at the door to his office.

It’s a white decor modern office,lightly furnished with modern white leathery upholstery,has a wide sitting room space and well a conditioned.

The arts and aesthetics in the office tells you the kind of man Dr Suptra is …….a classic man with a great taste.

“Have a sit Gill,

What will you take?coffee,tea,milk?”

“Just water” Gill replied

So I was going to ask,How?

I mean how did you know he was going to breakdown in minutes?

How did you know his blood pressure took a U turn from high to low and that those pills would have killed him if he took them?

I mean it was precise,

Mr Charles got to the hospital a walking but dead man,

He barely submitted himself when he collapsed.

The nurses had to resuscitate and stabilize him before Dr Suptra was called.

Gills voice played over and over again in his head.

“Don’t take those pills,if you do,it will kill you”

The strange man that walked into his office warned him and advised him to to to the hospital immediately.

He couldn’t understand the whole scenario so he had to share this experience with his doctor and nurses.

“I am of the indigenous people of the red Indians,

We the people of the reddies are so close to nature,

We believe in nature and spirituality.

We don’t believe that any and everything we see around us coincidentally came to be.

I might not be a doctor but believe me our non orthodox medical and natural approach to most medical conditions work.

I saw Mr Charles in his office and immediately knew something was wrong,it was as if death was close,his eyes,his skin,the aura around him,it was clear something was off.

If you know what I mean.Doc?

I don’t expect you to understand but it was more like I have been with Mr Charles before that moment and I knew what was about to happen.”Dr Suptra Rahun had his hands folded around his chest listening attentively as Gill took him through his ordeal with Mr Charles.

Dr Suptra is a modern science inclined medical professional,but that doesn’t mean he is not inclined to traditional and spiritual aspects of human nature.

Scientifically Gill’s story doesn’t add up,it wasn’t possible to read human vitals and see the state and functioning of organs without medical tests,in this case by a non medical professional.

In his years of practice as a medical doctor he has encountered many strange and miraculous situations.

He has seen a medically confirmed dead body come back to life.

He has seen cancer cells in a patient miraculously degenerated and disappear.

How was he to explain these happenings scientifically?

“My parents migrated to the United States when I was a kid,I was born in India.

We are a traditional family too”

Dr Suptra said to Gill.

“So I understand exactly what you mean.

Am a realist,I believe in nature,

I believe in the supernatural.”he continued.

“Infact I looked through your records,

I wanted to know more about this man called Gill,

I read about your family,your roots.

I know you have your challenges,

You daughter’s health condition.

Your in-laws and all”

Gill raised his head to look at him as he spoke of his daughter and in-laws.

“Yes I know all that”dr Suptra affirmed with a little nod of his head.

“I have been searching for a man like you Gill.

I have been looking for you Gill.

You in particular.

You see,you are” The One”.

The intermediary,the middle one.

You make up the puzzle.

You are also a Chemist,a good one for that.

You were one of the best graduating students in your year,and you possess this supernatural ability in you by virtue of your roots and providence.

“How do we put you Gill to good use”he asked Gill Pointing a finger at him.

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