Chapter 40

Gill was tipsy but he still maintained his sense of discipline and control.nancy wore that demure,calm nature,became loyal and submissive to see if he will give in to touching or sleeping with her.

After watching the news and scrolling through his tablet,checking his calendar appointment and catching up with messages and chats he missed during the day,it was time to retire to his room to sleep.

Nancy turned off the television and followed him upstairs.

Getting to his room door Nancy,held his hands and whispered to his ears.

“I miss you Gill”.

Her palms were so soft and tender she rubbed gill’s back,hugging and squeezing her breast on gills chest,gill who was weak and a little tipsy felt her body warmth and tenderness was tempted to sleep with her for the night,after all she wanted it.

He opened his room door and stepped in,Nancy stood for a moment and advanced to join him in his room but gill muscled all the discipline he had inside of him to say” i miss you too Nan,but let’s not do s
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