Chapter 8

Gill slipped under the fluffy duvet.

The air conditioner was on,his body was weak.

It was a well deserved rest.

He slept like a baby.

Daddy,daddy,daddy……his daughter was calling out to him.

She was walking past the graves of her ancestors,Gill could see the names written on the grave slabs as his daughter was fast disappearing into the mists and fogs in the cemetery.

The crows were already gathered waiting for the corns to wither so they can feast.

Gill tried to keep up with her daughter’s pace to stop her.

Suddenly Nancy junior was too fast to keep up with.

What is happening to him he asked himself.

As he jumped from his bed.

It was a trance,this particular trance is new,he hasn’t had this before.

Surely his daughter was in danger!

Gill looked at the alarm clock by the bed side.

It was 4:00 am on the dot.

He immediately reach for his phone in his bag,but his phone hasn’t been charge for the past 48hrs so it was down.

Where was his charging cable,he needed to power up this phone,something awful is about to happen to his daughter,he couldn’t say exactly what it was nor how much time he has to avert whatever but he was sure something was going down,his instincts has never failed him.

He plugged his phone to the power source and after a minute or two his phone powered up.

He called her ex-wife,Nancy but she wasn’t picking up,the phone rang several times but she didn’t pick up.

What was he to do?

He tried calling Carol,her wife’s mother but the phone was switched off.

He had no choice anymore.

He has to go to his house to make sure his daughter was safe.

But it’s still quit early,this is 4 in the morning.

The good doctor’s getaway house was far from his house,how would he get to his house now.

He decided to get going,he left only to remember he didn’t have his family old book with him.

He needed his staff of office,”his family's old book” after all,these events happening around him were all connected to this book.

He was beginning to believe.

He came,he saw,he had to believe to conquer.

Now armed with his family book he left for his house.

Just like a guardian angel followed him,a cab going to the city centre was in sight.

Before Gill could wave the cab was already parking by the road side for him to get in.

“Where to Sir”the cab driver asked Gill.

“Take me to 1747 Wellington drive,is an emergency could you please step on it “Gill cried out to the cab driver.

You’re lucky sir,I don’t know why I took this rout,I was supposed to take the highway to the city center.

Gill was in no mood to talk to the cab driver.

Infact he was reading and reciting some chants he did learn from his grandfather that was in their family old book.

For we are nothing but pencils in the hands

Of our creator.

Sand we come from,sand we shall return to

Oh ancestors lead us right,

Do not let evil befall us.

But may your will be done in our lives.

In a few minutes they were at Wellington drive.

Plot 1747 is down the street Gill directed the cab driver.

“Here keep the change”he gave the cab driver the last of the money in his pocket.

He rushed to the front door,but it was locked.

He knocked and knocked but the door wasn’t opened.

There was no sign of life in the apartment.

Looks like no one is home.

Where did they all go?

But her ex wife’s car was packed out there in the lawn.

Maybe they went out with Oscar’s car.

Gill decided to go to the back of the house just to make sure nobody was home.

He checked each of the windows,peeping through the smallest of openings to see if anyone was in the rooms.

Just like his instincts directed him her daughter room windows where open and she wasn’t okay.

She was convulsing, almost falling from her bed.

Poor girl!how could they leave his sick daughter alone in the house.

Gill immediately called her daughter’s name.

Nancy Nancy… here.daddy is here.

He pulled out the window louvres and jump into the house.

He checked her vitals.

Thank goodness she was still breathing,he came at the right time.

Her body temperature was high.

She was unconscious.

Her pulse and heartbeat was faint.

He knew It was a race against time.

He had to get little Nancy to the hospital as fast as possible,

He picked up to phone and called 911.

“Hello “the lady on the emergency line said.

“It’s a medical emergency,my daughter is dying pls send an ambulance over immediately.

1747 Wellington drive”

He carried her daughter and ran to the door,opening the front door from inside. He ran out to the street calling for help.

He was confused,if he loses his daughter,what more is there to live for.

But then he knew he needed to be calm.

Help was already on the way.

The ambulance arrived within minutes,

The ER nurses with the ambulance swung into action immediately,

One started checking her vitals and recording,while the other asked Gill her daughter’s medical history.

His daughter’s health status was stabilised in the ambulance on their way to the hospital.

Nancy jr’s body temperature was controlled to the normal 37C.

She was responsive to treatment.

The nearest hospital to Wellington drive was the meridian hospital hence the ambulance took them to the meridian hospital emergency ward.

It is a middle class hospital but they carried out the job of saving lives and giving healthcare services very well.

Nancy jr was admitted immediately and she was given the necessary drugs and medication to keep her stable while they waited for the numerous test results to be ready for further diagnosis and treatment.

It’s 7:45 am in the morning and Gill haven’t heard from his ex-wife Nancy Snr,does it mean she hasn’t come home and noticed her daughter is not there or she does care about her daughter.

Could Nancy Snr be this careless over her own child?the last he knew she was a very caring mother.

what happened to her that made her change.

“Hello Mr Gill O.Gilaed,I am inspector Lucas,of San Jose police department,I will need you to report to our office asap,we have a complaint against you”the police inspector told Gill over the phone.

“Any problem sir “Gill asked.

“Come to the office,you have some questions to answer”the inspector replied as he dropped the call.

Gill was confused,what could be the problem.

Here he is in the hospital with his daughter,what does the police want with him?

The police station was a walk away from the meridian hospital so he decided to go see for himself what the police wanted with him.

“I will be back in a moment “he told the nurse on duty.

Just by the end of the road Gill walked into the police station.

“Hello Sir I was called by inspector Lucas”Gill told the constable at the desk.

“You are?”the constable asked him.

Am Mr Gill O Gillaed.he answered.

“Are you not the suspect of the missing child case?”

He yelled at Gill.

“Missing child?what missing child?”Gill asked surprised.

Inspector Lucas stepped out of his office when he heard the constable yell “are you not the suspect in the missing child case”.

“Mr Gill,thank you for honoring our invite.

Unfortunately I will have to detern you as instructed from above the commands.”the inspector said.

“What did i do sir?”Gill asked the inspector.

“I was instructed to detern you over the missing of one miss Nancy jr Gillaed.”

Witnesses said you where seen breaking and entering the house and premises of Mr and Mrs Oscar Rodriguez,the CEO and owners of Rodriguez pharmaceuticals.”

You see Mr Gill these are well respected citizens of this community,you should have known well not to toil with such people in the society.”

“But inspector the girl in question is my daughter and she is sick,I only took her to the hospital “Gill voiced.

“Okay you took the girl like they rightly said”the inspector asked.

“Yes I did,she is my daughter.he replied.

“Just call your lawyer Mr Gill,while I call the complainants.

You don’t know what you are into.”

Gill didn’t know who to call,neither did he have the money to solicit the services of a lawyer.

But this is not fair he thought to himself,how could they arrest him for taking his own daughter to the hospital.

He saved his daughter’s life after all.

Why is it now a crime.

Why is his ex-wife doing this to him.

He doesn’t need all the drama,

Not now,his daughter is still at the hospital recovering.

“Where is he?,

Where is that good for nothing man?”Oscar roared.

“Now I will teach him a lesson” he continued.

“An antelope that dares a lion gets eaten.

Charge him to court,I want him prosecuted for breaking and entering my property and kidnapping”

Oscar told the inspector.

Gill,Gill ……a female voice called out.

Where is my grandchild?

I will deal with you if anything happens to my child.

It is his ex-wife’s mother,Carol she was coming with his ex-wife Nancy.

“Sir, he said he only rescued the small girl and took her to the hospital “the inspector told Oscar.

Clearly they where out to draw blood,they wanted to teach Gill a lesson.

His ex-wife and new husband Oscar wanted to mess him up.

Even the inspector knew this but Oscar Rodriguez family was so high in the chains,he had to do whatever they want if he wanted to keep his job.

It was a complete pandemonium at the police station when Carol and Nancy Snr walked in.

It looked more like Oscar needed to prove a point to his new in-laws by putting Gill down.

“I will make him a scape goat,so others like him will learn their lessons.

How dare you enter my property without permission”

He bellowed at Gill.

“Who told you my daughter needed you help to get to the hospital”Oscar continued.

“Where is my daughter?”Nancy his ex-wife asked him.

“Can you just move on with your life Gill Gillaed leave us alone,I don’t want anything with you”she voiced.

I only saved her,remember she is also my daughter,

She was dying when I came.

“There was no one at home to help her,so I had to enter through the window “Gill explained praying Nancy Snr will understand what happened.

“Who told you she needed help?”Carol yelled at Gill.

“Where you called to come and help”.

“She is at Meridian hospital down the street and she needs someone to take of her” Gill told them.

There was something about the new Gill.

He is not worried or stressed about the happenings around him.

He is as relaxed as ever.

Infact all these talks didn’t bother him all he wanted was for someone to go check up on her daughter at the hospital.

His body language said it all.he wasn’t begging nor shaking at the mention of him being charged to court.

Now his calm approach made Oscar look small in his little show of authority fiasco.

Oscar was boiling.

Why is Gill this relaxed.

Does he think he is bluffing?

He wanted the Police to give him some physical beating before even charging him to court. Maybe that will get to him.

But then the police may not want to do that.

It’s 11:17 am already,Gills phone has rang several times but he didn’t hear because of the argument and shouting at the station.

This time it rang he noticed because he was holding it on his hands to check the time.

“Hello Gill,how are you this morning?

What’s that noise at the background?

Where are you?the good doctor asked.

“Am at the police station, Wellington district police station”he told him.

“What happened?ok don’t worry am coming over there now.”he said as he dropped the call.

The station suddenly became quit.

His complainants and oppressors were surprised.

His ex-wife,and mother,including Oscar were all looking at him.

Who could it be?

They knew he didn’t have anyone,no friends nor family,he used to be a lone,poor and miserable individual.

Who was he talking to on the phone?

Oscar Rodriguez didn’t want to believe Gill had any reasonable human being by his side.

Him talking to someone on the phone doesn’t change anything,he is still going to teach him a lesson.

He is the alpha male here,he gives the orders around here.

“Response needed the location of one Mr Gill Gillaed,kindly affirm, if the said individual is present at station”The Operators voice called out on the radio frequency.

The inspector scrambled to his desk to respond.

“Affirmed Sir,Mr Gill O Gillaed is here on his own accord to respond to questions put to him,he is not held against his will nor under arrest over”.the Inspector answered.

The anxiety and tension in the inspector’s voice said it all.

The radio frequency call came from the force headquarters.

The case wasn’t to be toiled with,someone big in the society is interested in the case.

He needed to be careful.

Yet another blow to Oscar’s ego,who could be interested in Gill’s matter.

Poor Gill,how could police headquarters be interested in his case.

His ex-wife and her mother were all surprised at the turn of events.

What’s going on….

Isn’t Gill?

How could he pull such strings?

The inspector,got a direct call this time.

This is the commissioner’s office,

Am I unto inspector Lucas Orella?

The commissioner’s interest has been drawn to a case against one Mr Gill O Gillaed.

You have been instructed to put the case on hold and prepare the case file for onward transfer to the commission’s Headquarters.”

All through the call inspector Lucas kept on prompting “yes sir,Okay sir,thank you sir ,I will do exactly that sir.

After the call, the inspector told Oscar Rodriguez that the case is of his table.

The commission has requested for the case to be transferred to the headquarters.

He turned to Gill and apologised for not listening to him,he made it clear that he didn’t have anything against him nor saw any wrong dot in what he did,Since the said girl is his biological daughter and there was no one at home to take care of the girl.

In Fact he showed his disappointment on the fact that such a young girl was left home alone throughout the night.

How the table turned.

Two black ford SUV jeeps drove into the police station.

They had no plate numbers.

The good doctor stepped out of the one, followed by a police escort from the well respected special squad.

Only the rich and mighty had such police details following them as security personnel.

Who was this man?

The station paused for a minute looking at the entourage,the calibre of the police squad coming with this man.

Non of the body guards was below 6.2 ft tall.

Their arms wasn’t the regular A.k 47s used by the police.

What’s going on here?

Who did Gill call on the phone.

How could he know such a person.

Oscar Rodriguez felt like disappearing from the scene.

This was more than he could take.

Nancy and her mother were already stepping back.

Any chance they get,they are leaving that place,it wasn’t favourable anymore there ship has been over powered.

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