Chapter 29

“What do I do now?” He asked his reflection, holding his waist with one hand. “I have to come up with a plan to eliminate him for good. Why did he have to come back to the company and make my life more miserable? Isn't it enough that Father regrets my existence because I never impressed him for once? And Grandpa, on the other hand, hates me for no reason? Shit!” He cussed.

Charlie took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number on it. The receiver's phone kept ringing but there was no response. Charlie groaned in frustration and stomped his feet against the ground.

“Pick up, Chloe,” he said, grinding his teeth with a low scowl plastered on his face.

Charlie kept calling but yet Chloe wasn't picking up and that infuriated him.

“Damn it!!! Why the hell is she not picking up? What the hell is wrong with her?” Charlie groaned in frustration. He looked around his office and decided to visit Ludex. Maybe if he gets closer to Ludex since Ludex loves him, then maybe he can get one o
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