The Vengeance Of Ludex
The Vengeance Of Ludex
Author: Black Diamond
Chapter 1

The wind blew the chaff across the building as the charming and cosy ambiance came into view. The building had a warm and inviting colour, large windows and a welcoming sign at the front door. The only man in front of the bookstore sighed in distress as he stepped foot inside the building with a letter in one hand. 

Ludex Bryan took a glimpse of the features the bookshop boost. His eyes flickered between his favourite spots. His attention was fixed on the book shelves. Ludex was an avid reader. He knew he was going to miss this place. With his gaze low, he approached his boss and bowed. Ludex stretched out the letter without raising his head. He wouldn't dare look his boss in the eyes because he knew quite well that in a few minutes, the man's fragile heart would be shattered.

Mr. Clement raised his head and glanced at the figure right in front of him. Confusion was written all over him as he reached for the letter Ludex had offered. He widened his eyes in disbelief when the word, “Resignation Letter,” came into view. In an instant he took a quick glance at Ludex and opened the letter to read its full content. His hands felt numb in an instant and fell on his desk.

“You amaze me Ludex. Why didn't you inform me that you would be needing an increment in your salary? You didn't say a word these past few weeks and now you tender a resignation letter to me. How am I supposed to feel about this?” Mr. Clement furrowed his brow at his employee. A disappointing look flushed through him.

“I'm very sorry boss. You have been a very great leader to me. You're like a father I never had. It's really my pleasure working with you,” Ludex bowed slightly with his gaze still low.

“That still doesn't answer my question, Ludex. Why are you resigning from my book store? If you leave now, who will continue the good job you have been doing here?” Mr. Clement's voice was saddened.

If anyone would tell him that Ludex would resign willingly from his business, he wouldn't have believed. He knew he would never be able to replace Ludex. He was his best employee. He let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

For the past five years, Ludex had been the brain behind the business. Mr. Clement knew quite well. With Ludex around the business always made massive profit. The man had a gift.

“I'm truly sorry but a call came in and my father needs my assistance. I'm afraid that things might go sour if I hesitate any further. I hope you can forgive me, sir.” Ludex had a pleading expression on his face. He knew he had to leave, else his father would be in great danger. If only Mr. Clement had an idea of what was going on.

“Can you please relate to me the kind of ugly situations happening in your family?” Mr Clement asked, his curiosity piqued. 

“That I can't do but I believe with time, I shall reveal things to you but as for now, I choose silence, I hope you understand.”

Mr. Clement bowed his head and began to think deeply. Several people have previously worked with him in the past but none of them has the kind of business might that Ludex possessed.

He recently opened two more bookstores around London, hoping to make Ludex a manager in his second branch. However, this devastating news presented before him thwarted his expectations. 

After three minutes of silence, he finally accepted his fate in pain. He looked at Ludex and stood up to tap him on his shoulders. He pulled him in for a hug and bid him goodbye.

“You have been a very loyal employee to me. You are a good man, Ludex, and I don't intend to let you leave just like that. However, I must respect your will since you alone know what's best for you.”

Ludex's had a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. If only he had a choice, he thought. Speaking with his boss made him remember his late mother. Ludex clenched his fist as the memories of her death flooded his mind. He vowed to avenge her death when he returned home. 

“Thank you very much boss for understanding. I promise to come back with a souvenir to you once things get better,” He bowed slightly and a warm smile struck his face.

Mr. Clement handed him his most valuable assets, a golden wristwatch he has held onto for year's. Now it was with Ludex, as a token for his hard work these past few years.

Ludex gaped at his boss’s act of kindness. He never saw that coming. Now the man was emotional. 

Mr. Clement was the only one who truly cared for him for the past five years. His marriage to Angela has been a disaster. Ludex was the doormat of the family. The whole family resented him for being poor. Mr. Clements' kindness melted his lonely heart. He bowed and turned his back to leave. 

On his way home, Ludex thought to get Angela a present. Although he knew quite well she never appreciated his efforts, Ludex never gave up. He looked around the jewellery store and a silver necklace at the side caught his attention. He moved closely to have a clear view and a small smile formed around his lips. That was the perfect gift for Angela. The piece of jewellery cost $50. He planned to surprise Angela tonight and reveal his biggest secret to the love of his life. 

He had used up his money to get the present for Angela and had nothing left with him. Ludex hit his forehead slightly and exhaled. Now he had to walk home. Some minutes went by and he could feel his sore feet from all the walking. Traces of sweat formed on his forehead and he reached for support by the side of the dimly lit street. But the moment he saw his apartment from a distance, a satisfying smile formed around his lips. He muscled up and began walking erect.

“Stop right there,” a man's firm voice echoed from behind, slicing through the thick air.

Ludex felt a surge of emotions flushed through him. His hands trembled and his body shook slightly. He turned around slowly to have a glimpse of the person. 

“Unless you have a death wish, Mister. I'll advise you not to do that,” another masculine voice hung in the air and Ludex could tell it was a different person. Now he smelled trouble.

The moment Ludex attempted to man up and face the gang, there was a bang from behind and he lost consciousness. 

When Ludex gained consciousness, he was tied to a chair with a tape around his mouth, a gun put to his head. He shook at the sight of the man holding the gun. Ludex eyes flickered around the room and tons of gangsters came into view. He shifted on his chair and fell to the ground.

Everyone in the room laughed at the man's attempt to break free. 

Ludex panted hard and looked around for the piece of jewellery he had bought for his wife. His eyes were everywhere.

“Looking for this?” A man's sharp voice hit him and his eyes widened at the sight of the necklace. “Give that back,” he murmured, unable to speak with the tape glued to his mouth.

The leader of the gang bent to his level and a resounding slap landed on Ludex face. Everyone in the room laughed uncontrollably. They were all enjoying the show.

Ludex shot the man a cold glare. His expression darkened in an instant. He clenched his fist behind him with his rage at its peak. He knew quite well he could take them down if he wanted too. But he only chose peace since he was leading a new life far away from home. He was a black belt scholar back in the days.

His hands landed on the weapons the men possessed. He knew that he would leave harmed and decided to oblige. A kick landed on his stomach and he groaned in pain. Another man from behind tossed his chair around and punched him in the face causing his nose to bleed. His vision went blurry in an instant with the sudden attack. The rest of the men joined and in a few minutes, the warehouse was empty with Ludex left alone untied. He held his swollen cheek.

“Ahh!” He groaned and managed to rise up with his legs shaking like jelly. Tears streamed down his cheeks freely. There was never a day he wasn't bullied around here. 

“Aahh!” He screamed in frustration and tossed the chair to the side with his fist clenched. He turned to the side of the wall and his fist landed on it.

“I'll make you all pay. Mark my words,” a low scowl appeared on his face.


“Boss, the job is done,” the leader of the gangsters said on the phone. 

“Good,” the receiver exhaled and disconnected the call.

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