Chapter 2

The day went by and the moon clouded the sky. Ludex groaned in pain, dragging his feet on the ground as he reached for the doorknob. The man was finally back from all that trauma but his attention fell on a strange woman, Clara Joseph, his wife's assistant, and besties, so they called themselves. The young lady was seated on the couch in the living room with both legs crossed. 

Ludex narrowed his eyes at the woman. He found it strange to be in one's home at this hour of the day. Clara had no right to be here. Ludex glanced at the corners of the living room hoping to see his wife in view. But Angela was nowhere in the room. What is going on? The atmosphere seemed odd to him. An awkward silence filled the air. He wondered why the house was so quiet. Angela was a lover of rock and roll. That was usually his welcoming note and of course, the disrespect that came along with it. 

He moved closer to Clara and squinted his eyes at the woman. Clara had no care in the world and placed both legs on the glass table in front of her to spite him. Everyone knew he was useless, so what difference would it make to accord him some respect? He deserved nothing as far as Clara was concerned.

“And what do you think you're doing young lady?” His brows furrowed and disgust was clear in his voice.

Clara scoffed and swung her hair. She rolled both eyes at him and averted her gaze.

“I asked you a question, why are you here and where is Angela? You have no right being here at this time.”

“Hold your horses,” she frowned at the man's approach. “And what the hell? Did you just say house?” A cold laugh escaped her lips. “Oh, please everyone knows you've nothing. A good-for-nothing husband,” her sharp voice hung in the air.

“What did you just call me? Ludex was stunned by the woman's audacity. “What the hell? How dare you speak to me in that manner?” He snapped and shot her a cold glare.

“You have no bit of shame in you. As the man you call yourself, you can't even provide shit for your family, not to think of making babies with the woman you call your wife. Have you bothered checking your reflection in the mirror?” Clara snapped back at him and stood to his level to look him in the eyes.

“What? You?” Ludex clenched his fist in anger and tried to maintain his cool.

“Yes, me. And what the hell are you going to do about it?” She frowned at him.

Ludex was fuming with anger. Clara was lucky she was a woman. He would have punched her right in the face and in an instant, her bleeding nose would shut that loud mouth of hers. But what could Ludex do?

Angela and Clara had always been birds of the same feathers and since Ludex knew her, she has been nothing but a bitch. The man has had enough of her. Ludex managed to calm his nerves and shot Clara a fierce look. 

Ludex exhaled and sidestepped Clara. He moved closer to the bedroom to get changed. The stench of blood was evident in him. Ludex paused in his tracks and turned around to look at Clara. He wondered why Angela was not here yet. What could be taking much of her time?

Just when Ludex reached for the doorknob a masculine figure pulled him back. He was stunned and unable to comprehend the whole situation. He looked by the side and saw another huge figure beside the man. What the hell? Who are these people?

“Who the hell are you guys? And what do you think you are doing in my home?” He snapped in anger. 

They were dressed in suits with a pistol by their sides, the men moved closer to him and closed the gap between them.

“You can't go in there, sir,” one of the men's firm voices echoed through the room.

“Are you insane?” Ludex's expression darkened. “Who the hell are you people?” 

“We're just doing our job here, sir. I advise you to take a step back. You're not allowed to bother the peace of this house. We've been hired to protect the boss till she leaves this building. And our biggest threat is you, Mr. Ludex, as informed by the boss herself,” one of the security guards noted with a void expression. 

“Are you crazy? By the way, who is this boss of yours?” Ludex asked, his curiosity piqued. He hoped all these were just a nightmare that would go away but with his eyes flickering between the men and Clara who seemed to be enjoying the show, he knew it was all real.

The guards kept mute and said nothing in reply. One of the guards signaled with his eyes and they fell on Clara. Ludex quickly decoded the message and moved closer to the woman reluctantly. The sight of the woman infuriates him.

“Here, this is for you,” Clara stretched out an envelope and sneered at him, “Take this, it's from your wife.”

Ludex lazily reached for the envelope and turned his back to have a glimpse at the hefty bodyguards. He turned to Clara and sighed before snatching the envelope from her. His mind went back to the goons he had encountered today. What if this is another attack? 

“What is going on? Is something wrong with Angela? Why a letter when she can put a call across? Is she okay?” A worried expression flashed on his face. 

No one responded to him. There was a drop-dead silence in the room and panic flushed his face. What if something bad had happened to Angela? Now Ludex was anxious to know. 

Ludex ripped the envelope apart. His hands trembled thinking that something bad had happened to his wife. He was panting hard, unable to catch his breath but when the content written on it came into view, he was numb for some seconds. 

“W-What,“ he stuttered and turned to Clara. “What is this?” His voice was shaking, unable to believe the content within. Angela would never think of divorcing him. They were together this morning. Angela has never mentioned divorce all through their marriage. So what the hell is happening? Ludex was beginning to lose his cool.

“What nonsense is this, Clara? What have you done? He screamed at the top of his lungs. His eyes went red in an instant and he closed the gap between them.

“Divorce papers,” Clara's words hung in the air.

Ludex's heart ached to hear what she had to say.

“Now do yourself a favor and get a life, you wrench. By the way, we have a wedding to plan and you're certainly not invited.”

“What do you mean by a wedding? Where the hell is my wife?” He snapped.

“Oh, please shut up.” Clara tossed a sum of $200,000 at him and turned her back to leave. But before she did, she scoffed at Ludex, “And don't forget to get off this property by morning else you'll be forced to face the authorities,” a mischievous smirk danced on her lips. 

Ludex looked up at the ceiling and tears welled up his eyes. He looked by the side and could still see the guards standing beside the bedroom. He slumped to the ground, slammed his fist against the floor and cried till his throat felt dry.

First, he was attacked on his way home. Now, his heart bleeds. 

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