Chapter 3

The night wore out and the morning dew filled the air. Ludex stretched to the side and let out a deep yawn. He looked around the living room and blinked his eyes. There was still a stench of dried blood on him. He was unable to access his bedroom and have a good bath. He looked at his torn shirt and sighed deeply. If only those security guards would let him through to get changed.

“Please can I just get changed,” Ludex pleaded with the security guards. “I promise I won't touch anything in there.”

One of the guards felt pity for the man and went inside the bedroom. He came out with a shirt and a pair of trousers and tossed them to his face without saying anything.

“Thank you so much,” Ludex bowed slightly and changed his clothes by the side of the living room.

He paced the corners of the living room and could feel his stomach grumbling. He turned his neck to the left and then to the right and yawned deeply. He wondered where everyone went. Not a sight of his in-laws, that felt strange to Ludex. Although it was more peaceful without them around, he couldn't help wondering what they were up to.

After wandering around the living room with nothing to eat for breakfast. He decided to pay Angela a visit at the office. There was no way she would miss work. Since he couldn't afford a taxi, he decided to get there on foot. Luckily for him, her office was not far from home.


Ludex's eyes fell on Clara the moment he stepped foot on the premises. “Shit! That witch,” he sneered at her. “Not a great sight for the morning.”

“Here, you,” Clara yelled from a distance. “Seriously, have you no shame? How the hell did you gain access to this building? Take a good look around, do you see anyone like you around here? Jeez, you stink. What is that smell?” She asked with a loud voice, holding her nose with one hand. Everyone in the room focused their gaze on Ludex.

“Do you have to be extra? Besides, I want to see Angela.”

“How audacious, you have no place here. You have nothing, Ludex. Why would Angela want to see you?” With her right hand on her waist and gaze piercing, she shot him a dangerous glare.

“I don't have time for this, Clara. Just bring my wife to me.” His voice was low and tired. Last night was a handful, he wasn't prepared for another Clara saga.

“I would have obliged if you came in for a tip,” she rolled her eyes in disgust. “Let me guess, you're out of money, right?”

“What are you doing?” A female voice cut in. “This is Angela's husband, Clara.”

Clara glared at Mia for butting in. “And who are you to talk to me in that manner? Let me guess you like this piece of shit, right here?” She pointed at Ludex.

Mia cleared her throat and averted her gaze, “I'm just saying you should try to be polite, okay? Don't talk to him that way.”

“Whatever, just get the hell out of my sight. In Case you've forgotten, I'm your senior colleague around here,” Clara threatened.

Mia bowed slightly and glanced at Ludex. She felt pity for him.

Mia had always stood up for Ludex whenever her family bullied him. But right now, she felt helpless and couldn't stand up to Clara.

“I don't have the strength for this, Clara. Please leave the way.”

“You better leave or I'm calling security.”

“Security,” Clara called out in a loud voice.

“What are you doing? I just want to see Angela. Stop it, Clara.”

“She asked you to leave, Mister,” a strange masculine voice slammed the door from behind. “Are you deaf or something?”

Ludex averted his gaze at Clara and turned his back to have a glimpse at the firm voice that just hit him. His eyes fell on a man coming out of Angela's office majestically. He took a glance at him and could tell the man was influential. His neatly tailored suit and curly hair added charm to the man's beauty. He stood tall and exuded an intimidating aura.

Ludex squinted his eyes at him. He was full of suspicion and wondered who the stranger was.

“And who are you to talk to me that way?” Ludex snapped back not minding who he was.

Sebastian was stunned by the man's audacity. It was getting interesting with Ludex. He let out a cold laugh, “You're something, dude. I guess you have no idea who I am and what I'm capable of,” he closed the gap between them.

"Mmm," Ludex scoffed.

“Now tell me, I heard you're a bastard son. A lowlife. More like an ugly son-in-law. How true is it? Besides, I'm Sebastian John, hope the name rings a bell now.”

“What! How dare you call me that,” Ludex clenched his fist tightly.

“Did you just clench your fist at me?” Sebastian barked.

Before Ludex could say anything, a resounding slap landed on his face and his cheeks turned red in an instant.

Ludex sneered at him holding onto his cheek. When he tried to retaliate, two of the security guards he had encountered in his home rushed to Sebastian's side with ten other security guards. Ludex widened his eyes in shock. What the hell is happening? How are they here? What is happening? His eyes flickered between the men present in the room. Confusion was written all over him.

One of the security men held Ludex by the arm and tossed him to the side. He managed to steady himself but landed on the ground anyway.

Everyone in the room laughed at the scene right in front of them. They enjoyed every bit of it. “That man is nothing but a loser and a useless son-in-law,” some of the employees engaged in core whispers and gossip.

“I guess no one bothered to inform you about my engagement to Angela. Well, who would blame them? What good is there, talking to a trash like you.”

“That's not possible,” Ludex, unable to catch his breath at the shocking revelation, reached for support but Sebastian shoved him aside making him slump to the ground. “It can't be, no it can't. It's not possible. Angela would never do that.”

“It is my love,” Angela said from behind and walked up to Sebastian. She leaned her head on the man's broad chest and smirked at her husband.

“I guess your ego made you reject the money I offered last night,” Angela shook her head in pity. “You're such an eyesore.”

“Sign it, Ludex,” She tossed another copy of the divorce agreement at him.

“What are you saying, Angela? You don't mean that, do you? Let's go home please,” He held her by the hand and a slap landed on his cheek for the second time.

“Let go of me, you piece of trash,” Angela barked at him, “Now sign the damn papers, Ludex. I can't be seen with you anymore. You're such an embarrassment for a husband. Look at me, my company is doing well and with Sebastian by my side, I can do anything.”

Ludex blinked his eyes to hold back his tears. Angela’s words broke his heart. He sniffled and paid close attention to his wife. His aching heart pounded against his chest and he tried to catch his breath. His eyes welled up as he picked up the divorce agreement. All eyes were on him, he could feel the tension in the air.

“Are you sure you won't regret this?” He asked clenching his fist, tears evident in his eyes.

Angela handed him a pen with a void expression, “What, why would I regret this?”

“You're just a nobody,” Clara laughed from behind and everyone joined in mocking him.

“Sign the papers, Ludex,” Angela’s expression was more hardened than ever.

Mia rushed to her cousin and held her clothes, “Angela what are you doing? Remember how he helped you build this company. If not for Ludex,” Angela cut in and sneered at her cousin.

“How dare you speak highly of him? What did I ever get from him, his ideas nothing more? And don't forget your position around here,” Angela glared at her cousin.

Mia took a step back. She wouldn't want to lose her job.

“I promise you, you'll regret this,” Ludex took a final glance at the woman he had once loved and penned down his name. His hands felt numb and the piece of paper landed on the floor.

A smirk formed around Angela's lips. Now she is free.

Ludex turned his back to leave the building but Sebastian stopped him.

“Stop! I wouldn't leave you to go home empty-handed. I see that the sum of $200,000 was too small for you right? How about I make it $800,000 if only you lick my shoes? How about that, huh? It's a promise, right in front of all these people. All you have to do is lick my shoes and besides, don't be so full of yourself else you want another lesson like last night,” Sebastian stretched out his leg, and a wide smile formed on his lips.

Ludex eyes went wide opened, so it was Sebastian all along, he was responsible for last nights attack. He clenched his fist and shot him a fierce look, “Today is your lucky day, tomorrow will be mine.”

“Hey, ugly just do it already,” a man's voice echoed from behind.

Everyone laughed and mocked him. He turned to his wife and saw her smiling at the whole scene. He turned his back and stormed out of the building.

Outside the building, Ludex looked up at the sky and thought it was unfair how life treated him. His phone buzzed in his hand and he slid through to confirm the caller ID. It was his cousin. Ludex smiled in distress and connected the call.

“Hey, bro heard you're coming back to the company.”

Ludex was mute for some seconds. He had missed that voice. It felt good hearing his cousin over the phone. One of the shareholders of Brian's empire.

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