"Please save me, the goblin wants to eat my head off! Waaaa!"

Zane heard the cry, and it seemed to be coming from a little girl. Judging by her frantic tone, she had been kidnapped by a crafty goblin and was about to get hurt. The urgency in her voice sent a chill down his spine.

[ You can't let the village lord's daughter get hurt, hurry! ] Alice's message flashed urgently.

Zane nodded with determination, grabbing his sword and sprinting towards the staircase. His heart pounded as he realized the gravity of the situation. Before, he thought there were only two floors, but now, with the girl's cry coming from another level, he understood there was more to this place than he initially perceived.

Upon reaching the third floor, he was greeted by the constant cries of the young girl. She was clearly terrified of the goblin, as any normal child would be.

In fact, even an adult would be scared when faced with such a creature. 

Now on the third floor, Zane looked left and right before using Flash to dash forward. His surroundings blurred as he moved at incredible speed, arriving at a room where he saw a goblin, taller than the previous one, holding a young girl captive. The scene was chaotic, with the goblin's menacing grin contrasting sharply with the girl's terrified expression.

The young girl appeared to be around the age of eight, with beautiful blonde hair and big green eyes. She was very cute, her innocent features only adding to the urgency of the situation.

"Save me, uncle! Please!" she cried out as she saw Zane, her voice filled with desperation and hope.


The goblin holding her captive laughed craftily, grabbing the girl by the neck and threatening Zane not to move. Its grip was firm, and its eyes glinted with malice.

"Don't worry, I will defeat that ugly thing and rescue you," Zane told the little girl with a reassuring smile before glaring at the goblin. 

"Hiding behind a little girl for protection is a sin. Fight like a true goblin," he said, even though he knew the goblin didn't understand a single word. The statement was more for his own morale than anything else.

"HIE HIE!" The goblin laughed again, louder this time, as if mocking Zane's attempt at bravado.

It brought out a dagger from the pocket of its ragged pants and sent it darting towards Zane. The blade gleamed ominously in the dim light.

Fortunately, Zane was faster and evaded the dagger easily. He could have shot a bolt of lightning at the goblin, but he knew it would be a bad idea as it might hurt the little girl. His mind raced as he formulated a new plan.

"Goblins are stubborn and crafty. This one is craftier than the one I killed previously," Zane thought, heaving a sigh of frustration. He needed a strategy that would neutralize the goblin without endangering the child.

"Uncle, I will give you candy if you save me!" The little girl begged, her innocent plea tugging at Zane's heartstrings. It pained him that she was still in danger and had to resort to bargaining for her life.

"Alright," Zane made a plan in his head. He couldn't use Bolt, so he decided to rely on Flash and his sword. However, he had to be extremely careful not to injure the girl.

Following his plan, Zane's figure began running in circles around the room. His speed made it difficult for the goblin to track his movements, creating a dizzying blur.

"HIE HIE (Why is this foolish human running?) HIE HIE HIE (Foolish human)" The goblin started letting out grumbles, clearly frustrated. Zane realized it was actually insulting him in its own language.

One tense minute passed in the room; by the end, a goblin corpse lay on the ground, and the little girl was jumping around Zane happily, her fear replaced by joy.

"Thank you, Uncle! Thank you, Uncle!" she thanked him in a cheerful voice. Her healthy cheeks revealed a cute rosy hue, tempting Zane to pinch them.

"Don't worry, little girl. I have defeated all the enemies," Zane said with a proud smile, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment.

"Uncle is very strong. When I grow up, I hope to marry a man as strong as you," the girl praised him. Hearing such innocent admiration filled Zane with pride.

"I also pray you find a strong man," Zane patted her head, causing her to giggle cheerfully. Her laughter was infectious, lifting the tension from the room.

"Alright, I have to go now," Zane bade the little girl farewell before staring at his MAGICTECH. He felt a mix of relief and anticipation.

[ You have completed the mission, good job. ]

[ A sum of 5 million has been transferred to your account. ]

[ Your stats have been updated. ]

[ You have unlocked the 'Easy Access' features of MAGICTECH. You can check them out once you return to Earth. ]

Zane smiled as he saw his reward. "Five million dollars is a huge sum of money. Even most rich kids at school don't have that much," he marveled. He could hardly believe he was fifteen million dollars richer in just a few hours.

Nevertheless, he was a little worried about something. "That woman who gave me the MAGICTECH? Who is she? Is she the creator of MAGICTECH?" he asked Alice.

[ Her information is confidential for now. ] Alice replied.

"Hmm, okay. Do inform me when it isn't confidential," he replied, curiosity piqued but accepting the secrecy for the moment.


[ Portal to Earth has appeared.. .]

A portal, similar to the one that had appeared in his room before, materialized in front of him. Without fear or hesitation, Zane walked through it and reappeared in his room, at the exact spot he had left.

After arriving in his room, the first thing he did was check his other phone. He couldn't believe his eyes.

[ $5,000,000 was received in your account 2446xxxx. Total balance: $15,000,655.55. ]

"Haha, I have the quickest way to become a millionaire. Very soon, I will have hundreds of millions in my account," Zane laughed boastfully to himself, his mind racing with possibilities. Then, his MAGICTECH vibrated again.

[ You underestimate yourself, Zane. With MAGICTECH, you can become a billionaire or even a trillionaire. ]

Hearing this made him smile even more, his dream of becoming wealthy and powerful edging closer to reality, all thanks to an unfortunate event and a fortunate encounter with his mysterious helper—the lady who gave him the phone.

Nevertheless, Zane decided to check the features of the MAGICTECH he had unlocked. But then...

"Break the door! I want to teach that bastard a lesson for having the guts to insult my brother," Zane heard a voice, one extremely familiar.

"Yes, young master."

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