Goblins are short, green-skinned monsters that mostly appear in movies and games. They are ugly and have long ears, known for their dubious acts of stealing and setting traps. These creatures thrive on chaos and trickery, making them formidable adversaries despite their small size.

Never in his wildest dreams had Zane thought he would be going up against one. 


The goblin laughed as it looked at Zane, a cunning look easily visible on its face. Its beady eyes glimmered with malicious intent, and its crooked teeth were bared in a sneer.

[ Zane, you are lucky, you found the strange beast disturbing the village lord. It is a Low Rank goblin, slay it. ]

The MAGICTECH vibrated as he read Alice's message. The familiar hum of the device was a small comfort amidst the growing tension.

"I am fortunate to be facing a goblin as my first foe. What if it was a hobgoblin? I would have been dead the moment I stepped into the room," Zane thought. His heart raced at the thought of facing a more dangerous enemy.

"Now that I have seen my enemy, it is time to fight it and complete the mission!" Zane grinned excitedly, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

"I have killed so many goblins in video games. I would love to experience the feeling of killing one in reality," he smirked. The thrill of the challenge was intoxicating.

The goblin, noticing the hostility from the stranger who barged into its hunting nest, immediately made its move. It was quick and agile, more so than Zane had anticipated.


It tossed a knife at Zane. The knife flew through the air, fast like an arrow, speeding towards Zane. The blade glinted menacingly in the dim light of the room.

Nevertheless, Zane immediately activated Flash, and his body moved from its current position at a speed that would make the fastest runner on earth feel like an amateur. In an instant, he was out of the knife's deadly path.

"So cool," Zane thought as he saw the knife piercing the wall. If he hadn't used the Flash spell, he would have died. The realization sent a chill down his spine.

"You failed to kill me on your first trial. Now take this. BOLT!"

A lightning bolt flew from his hand and hit the goblin on its shoulder. Sparks flew, and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air.

Zane initially targeted its head, but because he was new and hadn't used it on an object before, he didn't succeed. Nevertheless, the hit on the goblin's shoulder did its job. The creature's shriek echoed through the room.


The goblin cried out in pain as a strong amount of electricity washed through its body, causing its muscles to weaken as it fell to the ground. Its body convulsed violently, and its eyes rolled back.

"The bolt is not strong enough to kill a monster instantly, but it is helpful to weaken an opponent. It's like a taser. But if I can aim at its head, neck, or stomach, I might be able to kill it," Zane thought. He analyzed the situation with a clear head, strategizing his next move.

"And since I can only fire one every minute, I would have to rely on my sword." He looked at the sword in his right hand, and a wild smile appeared on his face before he used Flash again and appeared beside the hurting goblin.

"Take this,"

He stabbed his sword downward at the goblin's neck. The blade sliced through the air with a deadly whisper.

But what Zane wasn't expecting was for the goblin to suddenly move and block with a knife. The clang of metal on metal rang out, and Zane's attack was deflected.

"It was faking it," Zane gritted his teeth and moved back, frustration building inside him. He couldn't afford to underestimate his opponent.

Goblins are naturally cunning and are also natural trap masters who can use just any material or situation to their advantage. Their devious minds were always working, always plotting.


The goblin laughed while pointing at Zane, something that made Zane furious. The mocking laughter grated on his nerves, fueling his anger.

This time, a fierce look appeared on his face. Determination hardened his features as he prepared for his next move.

"Bolt, Flash!" He activated his two spells at the same time. The dual activation was a risky maneuver, but Zane was willing to take the chance.

His feet shot up from his position, and he appeared behind the goblin, who was too slow to react. Then he fired the Bolt, which met its back. The lightning surged through the creature's body.

The goblin wasn't as fast as Zane and thus wasn't able to react in time. Before it could respond, Zane stabbed his sword through its back. The blade pierced its flesh and struck deep.

The goblin fell to the ground, dead! Its body lay still, life drained from its eyes.

"Haha," Zane let out a proud laugh as he stared at his first kill. The sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

"You weren't that smart after all," he mocked, reveling in his victory. The rush of triumph was sweet.

"What is that?" But he suddenly saw something that shocked him. After the goblin fell to the ground, a ball of light came out of its body and floated towards Zane.

Zane thought it was harmful and tried to fight it with his sword, but it was useless. The ball of light entered his body through his chest. The sensation was strange and unsettling.

"What the.."

The ball of light passed through his chest and was absorbed by his body without causing him pain. It was as though his body was water and the light was dry foam that could easily permeate without resistance. The process was both fascinating and eerie.

Nevertheless, Zane felt something after three seconds of the light entering his body. It was a feeling he could not explain, but he felt stronger than he was a few minutes ago. A new energy coursed through him, invigorating his senses.

"Alice, is this experience like in those video games?" he asked, seeking clarity. The parallels between his current situation and his gaming experiences were uncanny.

[ Yes, you remember the introduction when I told you that you would become stronger? This is what I meant. When you kill a monster, the magic power and combat stats of the monster will be absorbed by you, and you will grow stronger. ]

"Oh," Zane remarked. The reality of his situation was sinking in, and he felt a new sense of purpose.

"Why aren't I returning to Earth yet, Alice? The mission is completed, right?" Zane asked. He was expecting a portal to appear and take him back to his room, but none appeared. The anticipation was building, and he felt a pang of disappointment.

[You only found the first one. There are more than one goblin. You need to slay all before you can leave. ] 

"Eh? Why didn't you inform me about it earlier?" he asked, but he got no reply from Alice, which made him a little frustrated and annoyed. 

He walked out of the room and then heard a loud voice. The voice was very tiny,. It was the voice of a little girl, and from the sound of it, she was in trouble.

"Please save me, the goblin wants to eat my head off! Waaaa!"

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