It is said that one's fate can change with just one encounter, even if the encounter is unplanned and often unknown. History has proven this through the stories of many people who either experienced incredible luck or devastating misfortune as a result of these encounters.

As for Zane, he didn't know if his experience was good luck or bad luck. He was worried and sad, his eyes fixed on the notification on his phone, studying it with growing intrigue and apprehension.

[Welcome Zane, since you have received the reward, now it's time to further introduce you to the magic tech..]

[You may have been intrigued by the word 'magic' in the state and I am here to tell you that you indeed have a reason to be intrigued.]

[With this magic tech, you can travel through different worlds, venture into different realities, different dimensions. In these places, you can become wealthy by acquiring treasures like the nest of a dragon who has stored up gold and jewels for years.]

[You can also venture into worlds that are in dire need of a savior, a hero to destroy the evil that lurks within, and when you succeed, you grow stronger.]

[Before we go deeper, I will introduce myself. I am Alice, your virtual assistant and guide to your newfound powers and wealth.]

Zane read all of this with wide eyes, disbelief etched across his face.

If he had seen these things in a dream, he would have considered himself mad or sick from watching too many fantasy movies. But now, he wasn't asleep. He was fully awake, and this was unfolding right in front of him.

[You can converse with me by speaking or typing...] Alice followed up after seeing that Zane didn't reply.

"Is everything you said the truth? Can I really travel to other worlds?" Zane asked, this being the most pressing question on his mind.

[Yes, you can. Not only that, you can grow stronger and become the wealthiest man on earth from these adventures.]

Zane's eyes widened further.

"Let's say I went to another world and got injured. Would that injury reflect in this world? If I die there, does that mean I'm dead for real?"

[Yes, every pain you sustain is real as well as every wealth you obtain.]

"Can I reject?" Zane asked immediately. He was only 20 and didn't want to die so soon. No one wants to endanger their life at such a young age, especially now that he had ten million dollars in his bank account.

The MAGICTECH began glowing red after his question, as if it was signaling danger to Zane.

[Unfortunately, you can't reject. The moment you reject, your wealth and your life will be taken away.]

"That is too much!" Zane yelled, frustration and fear evident in his voice.

[I agree, but you should know that the magic tech is a secret. If you try to reject it, we would have to kill you to prevent others from hearing about it.]

Before Zane had the chance to ask another question that was bothering him, another notification appeared.

[Worlds are divided into many categories, but these are the main ones: Low-level world, mid-level world, and high-level worlds.]

Before he could read this completely, another notification appeared.

[Your first world travel mission has arrived. Enter the portal.]

Zane looked at the phone in his hand with a dumbfounded expression. What portal was it talking about?

But he didn’t get a chance to question it when a portal appeared in front of him. The portal was as tall as his door and was blue in color.

[Enter the portal!!]

The phone vibrated in his hand again.

[Failure to do so, you die.]

Zane gulped. He didn't want to die, so he quickly stepped into the portal.

Walking into the portal felt like walking through a wide-open door. However, unlike a door that leads to a known place, Zane was about to appear in an unknown and possibly dangerous place.

After stepping into the portal, his vision blackened as though everything around him had disappeared. This only lasted for two seconds before he opened his eyes and found himself somewhere else, somewhere he had never seen or heard of before.

"Where am I?" he muttered, confusion evident in his voice.

He was now standing inside a living room, but unlike the living rooms in his previous life, this one was quite old and felt like something from medieval times. There were several old wooden furnishings, but he noticed that these pieces were broken. It was as though a fight had occurred, or someone had purposely destroyed them.

"Why is there no door?" he also noticed this.

There was no entrance or exit and no trace of anyone living there.

"Alice, where am I?" he decided to question his only guide.

[You are at a low-level world, the house of Lord Dennis, a village lord who is currently being disturbed by strange beings at night.]

[As a world traveler, your job is to search the house for the strange being and eradicate it.]

[This doesn't come without a reward. The village lord has promised to gift you treasures worth five million dollars.]

"A village head summoned me, and I am supposed to kill a strange being?" Zane was confused. Although this mission sounded like fun, he still couldn’t dare to take it.

Zane was a young man and would definitely enjoy adventures. This was like a game, and his mission was to find a monster-like entity and slay it. It seemed even more exciting with a huge reward attached.

"I don't have any power. I can't even fight my mates on earth because I am weak. How will I then be able to defeat it?" Zane questioned.

[Do not worry, Zane. You will have a list of powers and weapons to choose from very soon,] Alice answered.

The next second, Zane's eyes widened excitedly as he saw what appeared in front of him.

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