Greatest Legacy of Awakened Talent

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Greatest Legacy of Awakened Talent

By: Rafaiir_ Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 28 views: 515

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A meteor strike caused all living things on Earth to mutate. A race of beasts rose from the ground with a violent bloodlust to annihilate the human race. The humans were also affected. The meteor radiation gives everyone magic powers. An army of Beast Slayers was formed to keep the world peaceful and to eliminate the monster race that attacked humans. Born into a mysterious family, Noah Quill is the only person without magic in the force. People scorned Noah, thinking he was useless and just practicing swords without magic. When Noah was training alone on a mystical mountain, the power from his family legacy was awakened. Now, he was ready to become the greatest Beast Slayer and join The Legion. DING! [Congratulations on awakening your talent] [Synchronization of talents with host body] [1%] [100%] [Synchronization complete] [Ability: Blood Manipulation]

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  • Wusakori


    Captivated by ur story, author, keep up the good work...

    2024-06-19 19:01:06
  • Ndiba Ougwevwe


    Good work and interesting plot

    2024-06-16 11:01:52
  • Natasha Lawrence


    Good story. Nice ability

    2024-06-13 13:42:57
  • Quif


    What a fascinating story.

    2024-06-13 13:15:21
Latest Chapter
28 chapters
Chapter 1. Sealed Power Unveiled
The year 2130.London, UK.A meteor strike on the North Pole in 2030 changes everything. The radiation emitted from the meteor caused animals and plants to mutate, and unprecedented beasts emerged from the ground.At that point, chaos ensued, nearly wiping out half the world's population. However, humans evolved and adapted. They began to realize they had gained amazing powers from the radiation, which would continue to be passed down to the next generation.Noah Quill was the only human with no magic or blessing. The 18-year-old dark-haired man had just graduated from high school and enlisted in the Beast Slayer Force.The examination revealed that Noah had no magic, but they still accepted him because they needed more human resources to deal with the rapid growth of the beasts."Look at that loser. If I were him, I'd choose to leave!""What exactly did his parents sin that he was cursed with no blessings?""He has no right to be in a training ground like us."TOCK!They were all gat
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Chapter 2. Previous Blood Talent Users
"You need to be able to control your power. It will help you a lot later."Noah arrived in a place of bright white light, nothing as far as Noah's eyes could see ahead and around him. The distinctive voice of an old man spoke to him, echoing and slightly hoarse."Grandpa? Is that you?" Noah continued turning his body to take in the surrounding area, taking a few steps to find the voice's origin. However, again, Noah only found an empty, deserted white land."The gem has been destroyed, and your previously sealed power has been released. You should be able to use it wisely, only for the justice of mankind.".Noah's eyes opened wide as he watched the white space slowly turn black until it reached his feet. His head felt dizzy with a blurry vision, making it impossible for Noah to see the circumstances around him."W-Where am I?" asked Noah.As time passed, Noah's clarity of vision returned to normal. He saw the environment around him, precisely in the room where he was lying.Luxurious
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Chapter 3. Blood Vs Reality Manipulation
"There's no way grandpa would do something like that." Noah was shocked when Natasha explained everything to him, especially about the truth of Aaron's death.Natasha did not hesitate to tell Noah everything, hoping that he could use his blood manipulation abilities wisely. Noah looked at Theo and Charlotte, Natasha's two Legion friends, who agreed with the explanation."But I'm pretty sure grandpa died because he was surrounded by thousands of beasts in the forbidden district," Noah explained."That's something we keep hidden from the public. Only the Legion knows the reason for Aaron the Hades' death," Natasha revealed.Aaron died when Noah was just two years old. At that time, Aaron was 57 years old and gave Noah a ruby necklace where Aaron had sealed Noah's and his powers in the necklace."You should thank Sam the Zeus. He was the one who decided to hide the reason for Aaron's death from the public," Theo replied, glaring at Noah."He just didn't want to cause chaos in the Beast S
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Chapter 4. Aura Projection Talent User
Everyone was surprised as Natasha the Artemis arrived with Noah Quill. Now, Natasha clearly said that Noah was much stronger than the other cadets at the academy."I doubt that, Miss Natasha. Didn't mean to impugn your judgment." Mathias smiled as he tried to clarify Natasha's statement."In my opinion, the other cadets are also strong and capable of winning against beasts. In fact, they probably wouldn't have been injured as badly as Noah was," Mathias retorted."It's up to you. When the graduation exam ends, you'll all know why I called Noah that." Natasha didn't have much time to talk about the obvious. She left the classroom after dropping Noah off. Mathias loudly told Noah to come in."Thank Miss Natasha. If it wasn't for her request, you would have been expelled from this academy," Mathias revealed, pointing roughly ahead at Noah."I understand. I'll behave myself," Noah replied, returning to his table, ready to receive a lesson from Mathias.Mathias no longer cared about the tr
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Chapter 5. Monstrous Talent
Two academy instructors arrived, Mathias and Misa. 60 cadets were in the arena, sitting in a circle with two cadets in the center to fight each other later."Hey, Noah. You might need this!" insulted Caleb, the best cadet in the class who constantly bullied Noah.Caleb threw a wooden sword at Noah, which Noah immediately grabbed with his right hand. All the cadets laughed loudly; they couldn't wait to see Noah fight with the wooden sword."Since Noah has arrived, how about the first battle between Noah and Talon?" Mathias suggested.Misa couldn't argue because Mathias would be the referee in this sparring match. A fight that Misa didn't think was fair, the weakest against the strongest. Noah, known as the weakest cadet in the academy, is against Talon, who is known as the strongest cadet and the future successor to Ares in The Legion's Elite Unit."Talon will destroy him in one strike!"Noah had expected it. The 58 cadets in the arena fully supported Talon. Not a single one wanted to
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Chapter 6. Change in Attitude
Noah opened his eyes slowly. The pain in his stomach was still there right when Natasha hit him in the solar plexus.The young man got up immediately and cast his eyes around the surrounding area. He was in the infirmary, and no one seemed to be near him. The bed he lay was surrounded by closed white curtains, so Noah couldn't see his surroundings."The bleeding hasn't stopped. I've only seen something like this. It seems Noah is the only one who knows how to stop it.""Really? Unfortunately, Noah is still unconscious.""I'm here," Noah announced, drawing the attention of the two women talking.The curtain to the right of Noah's bed opened, and Instructor Misa arrived with one of the doctors in the infirmary. Misa smiled to see Noah was fine. The crushing blow from Natasha didn't seem to significantly impact Noah."Thank goodness you woke up fast. Are you alright?" asked Misa, looking worried."I'm fine. It's just my stomach still hurts," Noah explained, pointing at the solar plexus w
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Chapter 7. A Girl with Mysterious Talent
***The next day.Noah found it peaceful at the academy. He found no intimidation or bullying from his cadet classmates. Not only were they not bullying Noah, but none dared to approach Noah.Although Noah was avoided because of his talent, Freya still wanted to be friends with Noah. The girl thought Noah's powers were unique, and she wanted to know more about Noah's talents.At lunchtime, Noah and Freya went to the academy's backyard to eat their lunch peacefully —the cafeteria was noisy."Susan is a good girl. Her talent is Cloning; it allows her to create clones that look like her." Freya sat on a garden chair with her legs crossed, her hands no longer holding a sandwich but a packed lunch of fruits and boiled potatoes."She seems to have a problem with me," Noah revealed, raising his head to look at the sky above the garden."I don't know about that. Why don't you try talking to her?" Freya asked, suggesting."I've tried, but she's so rude. I'm at a loss when it comes to talking t
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Chapter 8. Group Six Battle.
Dr. Nana finished making warm porridge for Kira. Kira accepted the porridge and ate it with gusto. Noah was happy to see her eating the porridge happily."So, you're in the same group for the Final Exam?" Dr. Nana pulled out one of the chairs and sat to the right of the bed where Kira was still lying. Kira was still busy with her food, Noah had to answer Nana's question."Right, with another girl named Susan," Noah said."I always remember those Final Exams, full of suspense and pain," Nana replied.Noah squinted when he heard Nana's statement. None of the three in the group knew exactly what the final exams looked like, especially the suspense and pain Nana had described.The young man only knew that he and his group members
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Chapter 9. An Impressionable Mind
***Two days later.London Cadet Academy."Hey, you already lost against us. You have to keep your word!" Kira sternly spoke to Susan while the class was on lunch break. Noah just watched and didn't help Kira force Susan.Noah was confused. What exactly made her hate him and Kira? Noah didn't feel like he had done anything wrong, intentional or not, to Susan. Kira didn't seem to either —considering Kira's quiet nature."What a noise! Can't you see I'm busy?" Susan asked, showing Kira a book."What's the need to learn that book if you're not training to be strong?!" snapped Kira, trying to snatch it out of Susan's hand.The book Susan was holding was a beast encyclopedia. The 500-page volume contained hundreds of beasts with different characteristics, which had been recorded before.According to Susan, a trainee cadet needs to know the characteristics of the beasts they will fight later. Only a fool would continue to train hard without knowing the weaknesses of the beasts they would fa
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Chapter 10. Hell at The Full Moon
***Three days later.London Cadet Academy.Since the night incident, Susan began participating in preparation exercises with Noah and Kira. Not only that, but Susan also participated in explaining about various ordinary-level beasts that she had remembered through the beast encyclopedia.According to Susan, the beasts appearing during the exam would undoubtedly be ordinary-level beasts. The Beast Slayer's higher-ups must have arranged precautions so the cadet candidates would not encounter dangerous level beasts.That day was the last day Noah and his team members practised. Since yesterday, the other teams have stopped training and are fully rested for tomorrow's Final Exam.Noah, Kira, and Susan were forced to use their rest time to practice, especially attack and defense combo exercises. Susan apologized that her attitude the other day was causing Kira and Noah trouble at the moment, Noah and Kira didn't mind at all.The three sat on the arena floor, their bodies covered in sweat.
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