Chapter 2. Previous Blood Talent Users

"You need to be able to control your power. It will help you a lot later."

Noah arrived in a place of bright white light, nothing as far as Noah's eyes could see ahead and around him. The distinctive voice of an old man spoke to him, echoing and slightly hoarse.

"Grandpa? Is that you?" Noah continued turning his body to take in the surrounding area, taking a few steps to find the voice's origin. However, again, Noah only found an empty, deserted white land.

"The gem has been destroyed, and your previously sealed power has been released. You should be able to use it wisely, only for the justice of mankind."


Noah's eyes opened wide as he watched the white space slowly turn black until it reached his feet. His head felt dizzy with a blurry vision, making it impossible for Noah to see the circumstances around him.

"W-Where am I?" asked Noah.

As time passed, Noah's clarity of vision returned to normal. He saw the environment around him, precisely in the room where he was lying.

Luxurious furniture, white porcelain walls, a soft bed, thick warm blankets, and a fairly spacious room area —Noah's room at home was not as spacious as it was now. From the situation, Noah concluded that he must be in someone else's house.

"What the hell is going on?" Noah was still confused by everything that was happening right now. The last memory he knew was that he saw a vampire beast clawing at his body, and then his ruby gem shattered and created an orb of magic power before Noah who was drooping limply.

"W-Wait! That monster has—"

Without thinking, Noah immediately lifted up his sleeping shirt and found three scratches above his chest. What surprised Noah even more was that the scratches had disappeared and left only scars, even though Noah believed the scratches from the beast were deep and severe.

"W-Why did it heal? Did someone save me?" asked Noah, continuing to feel the scratch marks, which felt hollowed out, typical of the scratch of a wild animal, such as a bear or tiger.

As Noah was contemplating trying to remember what had happened, the door to the room where Noah was lying opened. Noah was drawn to the bedroom door, where a maid came in carrying a tray with a bowl and a dry cloth.

"H-Hello," greeted Noah with a slight smile.

The maid gasped in surprise, dropping the tray and breaking the glass bowl of warm water. Noah gasped as he rose from his seat on the bed, about to step towards the maid.

"Miss Natasha! He's awake!" The maid left the room, leaving Noah alone and confused. Noah sighed with both hands clasped around his waist, trying to remember if any of his friends were named Natasha.

"Who exactly is she?" asked Noah, crouching down to clean up the mess the woman had made, picking up broken glass from a broken bowl.

The bedroom door opened again, and Noah, busy taking care of the broken glass, turned his attention to the front of the room. He saw a woman in a white shirt and red coat; her looks startled Noah.

"T-That outfit—"

"Do you remember what happened to you earlier?" Natasha asked.

The woman with black braided hair stood with her arms folded in front of her breast and continued to watch Noah's face. Both of Natasha's pupils were sea-blue in color with pure, snow-white skin.

"You're a member of The Legion?!" cried Noah, shocked.

"You didn't answer my question."

"About that, I only remember when I faced off against a beast and when my hand touched the magic ball of my split ruby gem." Noah got up and let the maid continue to clean up the broken glass. After finishing, the maid went to say goodbye and left the room.

"So, you don't know what powers you have, huh?" Natasha asked.

Hearing this question certainly confused Noah, his head tilted in response to Natasha's question. The woman in front of Noah had expected this, considering Noah had fainted before the individual system appeared before her.

"Come with me," Natasha pleaded, Noah said yes.

The young man was honored to meet one of the 12 members of The Legion. The Legion was a special team of Beast Slayers with extraordinary abilities, and each member who succeeded in becoming the Legion gained many benefits and rewards.

Noah could only dream that one day, he would become a member of The Legion, although his hopes were low as Noah had no significant powers, whether in elemental magic or talents.

The two walked in the corridors of Natasha's mansion. One of the benefits of being in The Legion was getting the best mansion with luxurious facilities and protection from Beast Slayer soldiers.

It is said that one member of The Legion is equal to 1000 trained Beast Slayer soldiers. That made the strength of The Legion members invaluable in facing the beasts.

The door to Natasha's study opened; the room was much more spacious than where Noah was lying. Noah saw two people in the room sitting on the couch, drinking wine.

"Oh, so he's the young man you're referring to?" asked one of the men, wearing the same shirt and coat as Natasha.

"Great strength often makes his body very sweet. Can I taste it?" asked one of the women sitting on the couch ahead of the man.

"Before you do, you must remember he is mine," Natasha replied, walking behind her desk as she removed the coat she continued to wear.

Noah stood near the two couches, facing straight ahead where three Legions were sitting before him. The man was Theo, and the woman was Charlotte. What differentiated the three of them were the titles behind their names.

Theo was titled Dionysus, and Charlotte was Aphrodite. Noah knew all their titles by heart because they were taken from the names of Greek Goddesses. They believed that putting the title of a Greek Goddess after a Legion member's name would bring victory and glory.

And Natasha herself was Artemis. The three Legions gathered in front of Noah, making Noah tremble with fear.

"So, what will you do with him?" asked Theo, asking Natasha.

"I have no idea. But his powers are unique. He can control blood," announced Natasha, startling Theo and Charlotte.

"Blood?" asked Noah, equally surprised with wide-open eyes.

"If you want to know, you'll have to open your individual system panel," Natasha replied, pointing at Noah.

Noah nodded. Almost all cadets in his class had already gotten their individual systems. Individual systems would be given along with the talent. For Noah, he had just gotten the talent, and automatically, his individual system had also just appeared.

The young man closed the fingers of his right hand and swung it from top to bottom. Noah was surprised that menu items appeared with different names, ranging from profile, quest, abilities, and talent to maps and friends.

Noah needed to press the talent menu on the menu panel to view the talent details.

[Talent Menu]

[Name: Noah Quill]

[Age: 18]

[Title: -]

[Talent: Blood Manipulation]

"Woah, I got my talent," Noah replied, gasping happily as he realized his section of the talent panel was filled.

Theo and Charlotte shifted their seating positions slightly, paying close attention to Noah's talent panel screen. Their attention was distracted when they realized Noah's last name was Quill.

"Quill? Is that a given name from your family?" asked Charlotte, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes. My grandpa gave it to me so I could have the same name as him," Noah replied.

"Oh, man." Theo shook his head as he patted his face in shock. Charlotte fell silent, her lips folded inward, realizing Noah was no random person.

"Wh-What is it?" asked Noah.

Theo and Charlotte immediately turned their attention away, not continuing to stare at Noah's individual system panel but instead looking at Natasha's face, which was sitting on her desk chair.

"Are you sure you'll care for him?" asked Charlotte.

"His talents are hard to come by; he might be able to control the blood of beasts. That would help us," Natasha replied.

"Don't forget the possibility that he could also control our blood. What if he uses his power to explode all the blood in our bodies?" Theo emphasized.

"What exactly are you talking about?" Noah got scared again after realizing the tense situation in Natasha's study. Natasha got up from her seat and stepped forward, approaching Noah.

Natasha was now fully facing Noah, and Natasha's eyes stared ahead. "Do you want to know the story of Aaron Quill?"

"That's my grandpa's name," Noah replied.

"That's right. He was your grandpa and the previous title holder of Hades," Natasha replied, crossing her arms, "Right before the 10th Legion hunted and killed him."

"Y-You killed my grandpa?" asked Noah, shocked.

"It happened fifteen years ago. We weren't Legion yet," replied Theo.

"Why did you kill him? Did he do anything wrong?" asked Noah, curious.

"He killed the previous Zeus title holder with his blood talent."

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