The Maimic Drillionaire

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The Maimic Drillionaire

By: Waveno OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 100 views: 232

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Oliver Storm ran away from his family at a young age, after his father turned him into a killing machine and planned to marry him off as a contract husband to a business partners daughter, although his disappearance leads him into a clan of Mafias who realize Oliver has a supernatural death loom Gift that threatens every other Mafia Clan - Lords. This leads him to fall back into a disguise, in the same marriage he escaped from to save his life, hence little did Oliver Storm know - He was the Heir to a Ultra-Trillion corporation and now a target of not just Trillionaire tycoons but Mafias too, hence, it gets even torturous in the hands of his wife who cheats on him and his mother inlaw who treats him like garbage before everyone, but things turn around when Oliver accepts his inheritance and retaliates a devastateful revenge! For He is Maim! The Maimic Drillionaire!

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100 chapters
Chapter 01
In my Grand sophisticated outfit, I listened to the approaching Attack coming towards us.They were all over the Buildings Ceiling, neutralizing security personnel left and right.Guns were fixated and noted torch Lights at us.While the Grand Mother of our Clan remained still as the entire place gets surrounded.We’ve been attacked and Ambushed."Listen to me Oliver, No matter what, you must never let anyone see your face, I will pray to my Chi - Force to protect you.” My mother said as she immediately practiced a martial art dark technique that sealed my face like a mask, as she hands me over a physical face hood and also gearing me with a short knife and a Gun.“Bwar!” The chamber ceiling cracks with its debris flying towards us but I used my skills to shield the alter where I and her were, as I watched to see a male figure in the chambers.“Enough!” My grand mother yelled as she stormed her hand over her exquisite table clearing off the debris and revealing no one else but Phara,
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Chapter 02
Oliver's - [P.O.V]He needed to Die!The annoying flaring out of me, made me kick him off from my sight before I used that same rage to grab my sword, to attack him.Once I my feet reached another step... I rushed to finish him off because men like him don't deserve to live life at all."I see... He has the aura I have been looking to feast on, you old bastard! This is why you hid this young boy." Phara said."You can't kill me Oliver, I am your Mafia Lord!" He yells while seated over my mother's chair unaffected by my annoyance at him."Alright then, Watch me!" I said running towards him with my sword, but then my mother tackled me before I could reach him."Mum!" I asked surprised as I was unable to run towards where Phara was."Ha-ha-ha!... I told you." Phara said, pissing me off."Why?" I asked my mother feeling betrayed."You won't be the same again... Don't please my son." My mother begs before her sister Maltina comes in."It's funny that you even call that old woman your mothe
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Chapter 03
Oliver's - [P.O.V]I could see the men found themselves special.Their Mockery Pissed the hell out of me.How Stupid must they force acting rich and spoilt just to mock I and Maltina."Hahahaha he said it's arm fibroid." His colleague says holding his arm as they laughed."Okay... Firstly no... I don't have an arm fibroid... I am here to see Mrs Elberta." Maltina says to them."Look at this lowly thing... Get out of here before I show you what I am made of!" The security man threatens... And my rage rises a bit.I stepped in his front upset."I think you should talk to a man about your size... You ignorant goat... My aunty knows what she is saying... Don't dare abuse her patience!" I said to him and he turns to look at his colleagues who were quiet.He turns about to use his gun to hit me but I grabbed it... Opening his guns into pieces before looking into his eyes so he could see my angry beasts.He tries to use the iron left in his hand to stab my face while I was waiting for that s
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Chapter 04
Oliver’s - [P.O.V]I endured her bullshit and shades of insult in her words and eyes as she leads me on.The mansion was truly rich and Beautiful.I couldn't believe she was my Wife.She's literally a Living Rich Goddess.Something still bothered me about the marriage but I tried to take my mind off it.Because it reminded me of my abandoned pasts.We soon reached her room.She turned to look at me."Tell me... What exactly do you want?" She asked."Nothing." I said back to her."Oh common... Don't flatter me... Everyone usually wants something..." She said looking at me."So speak already!" She said getting upset.I could see how worried she was.She looked at me like some sort of leech."Is it money you want?" She asked."No... I didn't say I want that." I replied."Oh then you want a contract?" She asked."No..." I said in-between her words."Fine... I would give you a million dollars... Tell everyone the document was forged... We'd go to a court and divorce and you can go with a m
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Chapter 05
Oliver’s - [P.O.V]I couldn't believe what I could see.Her flesh had torn open... Heading to her neck."Wait Oliver... Is it that serious?" She asked."No... Not really." I lied as I looked at her."Gosh... It's hurts so badly." She cries."She needs immediate surgery..." Daron says as he uses his spirit to clean the surface of the wound and she screams in pain while I covered her mouth with my palm... This place wasn't even that safe.Maltina had always been the mother I never had.Seeing her suffer like this hurt more than anything."Stay still Maltina." Daron said as he successfully removed the bullet that was in her arm out.He cleans the wound and covers it up before I took him to a distant corner from where she was."Will she recover now?" I asked."The poison is now in her blood stream... She needs proper medication and surgery." He said to me."But I can't be able to help without getting the equipments I need... I also need to buy her drugs till she recovers Oliver." He adds.
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Chapter 06
Oliver’s - [P.O.V]I looked at her beautiful face.She looks adorable... I didn't know if it was my hormones at work now.But I just wanted to touch her at this point."Ciara... Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look... You're like a fucking goddess." I said as I reached closer to her.She placed her hand over my chest... Tracing it downwards from one abs to the next as I looked into her eyes and down to her lips.I could swear that I had gotten her at this point.We were about kissing already.Our lips were already touching as she stared into my eyes... Ready to let me kiss her.But then she looks away and her room door gets opened with a man entering."Stay away from me." She warns."You should listen to her." The man says."Auduson... Well this is the man they are forcing me to be with." She says running into his chest.He holds her to himself as he looks at him."Well... I heard he is a wretched poor thing." He says holding her as he looks at me.Her eyes met with mine an
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Chapter 07
Oliver's - [P.O.V]As soon as I reached our apartment, I breathed calmly as I felt like punching something to relieve the pain I felt.That bastard tricked me.Humiliated me before the entire family.That goat! Called Auduson.He doesn't even know what I could do to him.I should have known Ciara wanted me dealt with by her so-called Auduson.Like how do I tell her... That I am just here for safety?... It might drag out suspicions so I needed to trade carefully as well.I walked into the toilet and refreshed myself.I sat down as I began to think about my life.How did I end up in this situation?I lied over the cold tiles afterwards.Then I recalled why I have been the person I am today.It all started when my junior brother died.I... My dad and my junior sister were attacked on our way back home.Our security man was killed.My father was far away and behind me.The man held my junior brother.I was too scared to shoot because I did not want to end up killing my brother In the proc
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Chapter 08
Oliver’s - [P.O.V]She placed the knife to my neck.Tears slid from her eyes as she looked at me, so bitter that I existed in her life.My eyes watered back in return.Aunt Maltina was dying.And here I am, almost killed too."Ciara." I called her name."What's the matter... Get out of my life already!" She shouts in tears and I stared back at her feeling even more bad.I turned, acting as though I wanted to leave before I turned, kicking the knife out of her hand.I wish I could tell her the truth."Ciara... Did I do something wrong?" I asked her."You have a few minutes to leave my sight, and No... Of Course you didn't!" She ironically said in an angry tone before she grabbed a cup of wine while looking at me in rage"I don't understand babe." I said coming closer to her but she hit my hand off and I stood surprised."Don't fucking call me your baby!" She yells."Why?" I was confused."You want to use me to get money from the family right?" She said looking at her body."I feel stra
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Chapter 09
Oliver's - [P.O.V]I felt ashamed of myself in their Midst."Oh wow, the good for nothing son in law is here... In a family meeting where he is not even welcomed in." Auduson said standing by the side of Ciara's parents who were both glaring at I and Ciara.Ciara turned back to look at me."No matter what... Please avoid asking anyone for help and please try not to talk to me." She said to me and I nodded in acceptance.I was so unworthy to her that she didn't want me even talking to her at all.But at least... I could make that bastard jealous.I took further closer steps towards Ciara.Keeping my dick bulge directly over her ass.I didn't look at it either.I acted as though all my concentration and focus was on waiting for Mrs Elberta to come into the hall and speak.I was purposely romancing her just so that I could get Mr. Auduson really upset.I could see him burning in jealousy.Then he walks up to me."You filthy poor thing... You should leave already before granny comes here
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Chapter 10
Oliver's - [P.O.V]I looked at Mrs. Elberta."You ofcourse... Do not have any contributions to this family, you are a worthless leech." Mrs. Elberta said before Ciara turned to look at me."You should not be even here." Ciara's brother's cousin said as I took two steps back."My aunt Maltina, she needs me, please excuse me." I said to the entire family as I turned leaving while Auduson smirks.He walked towards me, holding my hand."If you know what is good for you... You won't return back to this house!" He says to me."Last I checked - Ciara is my legal wife." I said to him seeing the rage in his eyes.Then I held his hand, removing it from mine as I walked out of the mansion.I looked around.I had no car to drive.I had nothing to take me to Maltina faster.I closed my eyes... Listening to the environment so I could use my aura to connect to her."Oliver!" I heard her call to me."I'm coming Maltina, please be strong for me." I said as I began running through the streets.But soon
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