Chapter 93

“I am done,” she said, swirling around in the front of the mirror to behold her dazzling looks.

He wanted to applaud her beauty but he kept mute. “I can drop you off.”

“In the same Austin Martin boneshaker? Well, no need for that. My husband won’t find it funny seeing us,” she said inwardly, reminding herself that Ken was yet to marry her so she still remained a mistress. “I didn’t spend the night in his house, so I am getting ready for a fight. She looked into her phone and saw no missed calls, messages or voice notes from Ken and she expected nothing less from a man that wanted her not to only disappear from his life but from earth.

“I got to go,” she said, hooked her handbag. “Once again thank you for the dress and the previous night.” She said coldly and his face seemed lonely at once.

He shook his head, losing interest in words but not in her.

“I got to go,” she said yet again, making him feel he held her legs from walking and that there was something of hers that he still had- r
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