Chapter 100

Meyer, the nanny, and the twins made it to national park with the influx of tourists.

Meyer knew of a truth the park had all that was required to be a popular destination. Being led by a park guard they took a grand tour of the park and beheld the wild animals and domesticated ones. The reserve was so beautiful that they couldn’t get enough of their sight.

Suddenly Meyer forgot her problems and worries as she seemed to be carried away by the herds of lions and antelopes that flooded the park.

“I wish God made me an animal like them,” said Meyer waving at a monkey that busily perched from tree to tree. And she made the twins in her arms to smile at the monkey, but they never responded.

“Why did you say so?” the nanny asked, nursing the twin in her arm. The twin was wincing and might begin a heart-drenching cry soon.

“They are free. We are not. They don’t think of any tax to pay, mortgage on a house to settle, children to cloth and most importantly who to fall in love with. They are as
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