The Maimic Drillionaire
The Maimic Drillionaire
Author: Waveno
Chapter 01

In my Grand sophisticated outfit, I listened to the approaching Attack coming towards us.

They were all over the Buildings Ceiling, neutralizing security personnel left and right.

Guns were fixated and noted torch Lights at us.

While the Grand Mother of our Clan remained still as the entire place gets surrounded.

We’ve been attacked and Ambushed.

"Listen to me Oliver, No matter what, you must never let anyone see your face, I will pray to my Chi - Force to protect you.” My mother said as she immediately practiced a martial art dark technique that sealed my face like a mask, as she hands me over a physical face hood and also gearing me with a short knife and a Gun.

“Bwar!” The chamber ceiling cracks with its debris flying towards us but I used my skills to shield the alter where I and her were, as I watched to see a male figure in the chambers.

“Enough!” My grand mother yelled as she stormed her hand over her exquisite table clearing off the debris and revealing no one else but Phara, a deadly Man who was crazy about being ordained the Mafia Lord, He was crazy for wealth.

He was well dressed and armored to murder.

"I remember when you were still a young boy, but what I can't remember is the audacity to kill my men and break into my home!" My mother roared in her rage at him.

"Spare me the watse of time! What can an old sick and weak woman to do me?" Phara fired back disrespectfully as he gears up.

My Mother immediately pulled out her hand causing the rest guards to fall to their knees in honour, knowing she was dangerous.

"Why bow before this old witch?... I have killed the Clan lord already, so drop your honours and feed it to me... Old woman, Bow now and I will spare your pathetic life!" Phara orders assuming he had now become a Mafia Lord.

"I see where the Illusion of your Ego drives from, but what truly have you come here for, be straight for once! Gay!” She abuses him.

"Hahaha, it's funny how you want me... A mother of many to bow to a child who killed his own father?" My mother asked with a disappointed face at him.

“By the looks of things… The Clan members Haven't picked you yet and even their spirits will never crown a murdererous son, as the Clan Mafia Lord.” She added pissing Phara off.

"Enough! Who I kill isn't your business, my men ha e their guns all over your heads." Phara said as he approached us without any fear.

"According to Ancient Traditions, The Mafia Lord is extremely skilled and powerful and I learnt you had someone of such Caliber?" He asked like a psychopath and everyone definitely understood what he was up for.

He was after me!

"Indeed! I have trained a weapon that even your ancestors can't match up with and I must say… He wouldn't kill his own unlike a power obsessed idiot like you, and as we all pray… May the Clan’s Mafia Spirit live in him Forever to our Lord and Savior." My mother said to him and Phara whips out a chain with spikes from his waist.

“It's my birth right to be Mafia Lord, any threat will be eradicated!” Phara states.

“Oliver my Son, may this remind you of how gifted you are.” She said with a smile to me.

“You can't protect him, I can already feel his aura.” Phara said before he continues.

"I can tell he hasn't mastered his powers yet, so how about I kill an old woman he calls mother before his eyes.” Phara says as he fires his whip rope that grabs my mothers body and flings her towards his feet like an animal.

Damn! He did it like he came from the Wild West.

He proceeds to stomp her face rigorously before whipping her with his spike chains Like a cat trying to finish up a Rat.

Everyone was scared while I stood shocked.

Phara was indeed extremely Powerful!

I could hear my mother's bones break one by one and I couldn't let her fight alone, I and the rest men rushed in to stop him, but Boom!

The rest men were torn into blood Pieces with one whip before my mother threw me away, the rest of our men began to retreat in fear.

Phara was a heavily Skilled Murderer.

"Don't fight Oliver." My mother pleaded.

I never saw my mother as someone that could be easily twarted, if Phara wanted to kill her… He should get done with it and stop torturing an old woman, because I rather lose my life than let this demon cause her more pains!

She isn't even well.

I rushed, throwing my short dagger and it pinned part of Phara’s chain to the wall as I rushed to save my mother but he let it lose sooner to attack me.

“Boom!” He fires again and I grabbed his spiky chain which went through my skin but I did not let it go either, my mother's life was at stake here… letting it go was a No for me.

I saved my mother as she coughed out Blood.

Many parts of her body was Bleeding as well.

I could feel the excruciating pain she was going through as I placed her somewhere else.

It was time to Kill Phara.

He has gone too Far!

I opened fire, using my Gun skills to bend bullets at him but he kept escaping them like an evil Spirit, so much that I was worried.

It turned into an intense fight as he used his gun to shoot back at my bullets to shield himself so much that we used multiple and different type of guns we found to fight, that's how skilled we were.

I fired assassin blades at him using both weapons to battle, this was the current traditional way to fight as assassin Mafias.

He began to lose and I managed to reach him, I stomped him to his face as a retaliation, but he didn't flinch an inch before he grabs me by the waist Slamming me over a marble table.

"Wow, so you disguised him all these years and you want this infidel to challenge me someday? You will Die first!” He roars as he attempts to kill my mother and in pain I cried to help her.

“Please Phara, spare my mother.” I pleaded.

“Your mother? This old witch isn't your mother… She's everyone’s mother and today I will be ending her legacy!” He fires back as my eyes meet with that of my mother.

"Please no! Pharaaa!" I roared in horror with my hands pointed towards him, pleading and this was when I felt my auratic Chaos.

A Powerful attack fires at of me, as I killed the pieces of the broken marble table at him causing my Mask I had put on to fall off.

I used all the weapons in the chambers in split seconds and stormed them at Phara till I had withdrawn his weapons too.

I used those weapons to bash him towards myself as I grabbed him by his throat getting up on my feet before I kicked him to his neck.

"Son!..." I heard my mothers voice but my rage wouldn't let me respond.

I wanted Phara Dead for Good!

My eyes felt like they glowed Satan as I tortured the bastard, breaking his bones limb by limbs and rib by ribs to make him Suffer for his crimes.

"You must Control your rage! let him go!" My mother yells but her life didn't matter to him earlier right... Or did I miss his Mercies?

The rage inside of me cause an instant death mode as I raised the dead living idiot, with my eyes glaring hot at his Breathing corpse which now carried fear inside them.

“Control it Oliver!” My mother called unto me as my anger recharged itself like a monster preparing to annihilate its Nemesis.

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