The lost heir of Jadin's Empire

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The lost heir of Jadin's Empire

By: Mary Mavi OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 74

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Alfred the son-in-law of William's family was accused of theft and sent to prison for five years but he unexpectedly returned to discover that his wife Mallory was pregnant with another man's child and she also presented Alfred with divorce papers. Left with nothing Alfred accidentally stumbled upon his father who happened to be the richest man in the city.

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10 chapters
Chapter one
The captivating decoration was magnificent, and ornamental light lit up the extravagant Williams family.It was Mallory’s younger sister's wedding day, Chloe in William's mansion, the cheerful laughter and giggling filled the atmosphere.But the joyful aura superseded as the murmur of irritation ripped through the gathered guests when a man draped in a tattered cloth walked into the house. He was greeted with a scornful look, as everyone stared contemptuously at him. He ignored the gaze of the crowd and strolled toward his in-laws. Mrs Williams, who noticed that the guest's attention was thrown towards the entrance, had assumed an important guest was arriving but when she veered around her expression shrieked fury, her gaze filled with disgust.“How did this pauper get out of prison?” she thought, gritting her teeth in annoyance as Alfred marched towards her direction. She immediately halted his step with her hand raised signifying how wretched and disgusting his present stood.“How
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Chapter two
Alfred gave him a haughty stare, he detests the sight of Jay Tyler, and can't wait to teach him a lesson one day.Mallory commands the security to kick him out of the house.“Take this pauper out of this house”Alfred stared at her cold and indifferent demeanor, wondering how she changed in the space of two years that he left. When her grandfather Mr Albert initiated their marriage after saving his life from a deadly disease before he finally died a couple of years later, she was calm and courteous. Alfred was hoping there was a spot of love for him in her heart but now that he is back from prison, She is completely different, exuding an aura of a venomous lady. Alfred was snapped out of his reverie when a group of security men dragged him out of the Williams family. He felt the cold and sardonic gaze of the guest. Out of the Williams mansion, Alfred strayed the street of New Chelsea city with no particular destination in mind. It was getting to dusk and the weather wasn't friendly.
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Chapter three
He assumed it was the area's thugs berating prey so he decided not to interfere but the groans came again, this time it was faint and weak. He took a few slow steps forward to where the sound was coming from, his face dripping with trepidation. A few steps closer, he gasped at the horrible sight before him, an old man lying in the pool of his blood, surrounded by dead men. Scrutinizing the dead man's physique he could divulge they were the old man's bodyguards. Alfred's heart trembled in fear, the thought of running away clouds in heart but then he caught a glimpse of the old man's hand shaking. He resolved to save the almost lifeless old man. He took a few steps towards him and hunched down, positioning his index finger on the man's wrists, he felt his pulse. “Oh! Thank Goodness,” He mumbled after detecting there was still life left in him.With the only strength left in his body, he hauled the old man who may be possibly weighing 260 pounds to his damaged car. Scrutinizing the
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Chapter four
Sitting in a corner of the room was a young woman dressed in a cream-colored dress. The long dress cascaded over her shoulder and her features were delicate. She looked to be around Twenty-seven years old, Alfred had assumed she was the man's daughter. They were in an intense conversation when he walked in, the conversation must be confidential as all the bodyguards were sent out of the room, leaving them both in a confidential aura.“Good day sir, how are you feeling now?” Alfred asked, bowing his head.Mr Jadin and his Manager Miss Ree scrutinized Alfred's demeanor which exuded the aura of calmness and innocence. They inferred that he couldn't possibly be one of the men who ambushed him last night, though still wrapped in his tattered old-fashioned cloth with patches on some side, his face still emits the ambiance of innocence.“I'm getting better, thank you. I was told, you were the person who brought me here last night,” Mr Jadin inquired, he arched his eyebrows, his expression sk
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Chapter five
A black Bentley Mulliner Batur came to a stop a few feet away from where they stood. One of the bodyguards opened the door and bowed his head as they all glided in. After about two hours, the car came to a halt in front of a magnificent building. Alfred found himself wowed by the exquisite ambiance. He has never seen a building so luxurious and grandiose, let alone about to step into it. The whole mansion screamed opulence. The door was opened by one of the bodyguards and they alighted. Hundreds of bodyguards and maids aligned to welcome them, each bowing their heads as they stepped inside.Alfred found himself at a complete loss for words as they walked to the living room. The inside of the mansion was luxuriously decorated with ornaments that reflected the golden painting of the building. He has heard a lot about Mr Jadin's opulence but this was the first time he is a witness to it, but what even amazed him the most is that he is now part of the family. He was snapped out of hi
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Chapter six
“Will you be starting up tomorrow sir?” Miss Ree inquired.“Yeah, I will come and take a look at how the Empire works.” “Ok sir, see you tomorrow then,” Miss Ree stretched out her hand for a handshake, Alfred grabbed her hand feeling the warmth and softness.“I will take my leave now,” Miss Ree took hold of her pulse and bade them goodbye before stepping out of the mansion.A few minutes later, the butler came to drop Alfred off at his new apartment. He bade his Father goodbye, pledging to make him proud before departing from the magnificent manor.The Next day, Alfred arrived at The Jadin Empire headquarters before 8 am, He was ushered into the HR office by the receptionist after a rude interrogation. He stood in front of the door with a tag, written boldly on it, ‘HR: MRS. EVAN’, He knocked on it. A vulgar and hoarse voice came from the inside,“And, Who is it?”Alfred adjusted the plain shirt he was putting on, looking composed and calm. He held the knob of the door, twisted it, a
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Chapter seven
“Any problem sir,” Miss Ree peeked at his awestruck expression.“No no.”“Okay, your Father owners 30% of the companies here in new Chelsea city, and among others that are collaborating with him in and out of the City, some are doing exceptionally great, like for example IVY company with an annual revenue of Two trillion dollars, followed by Fiver, NikeTech and so on. In the Jadin’s Empire headquarters, we managed and monitored the progress of each company. This is the headquarters of all the companies owned by your Father.” She explained.“The reason I had to suggest you work as sales personnel is so you have the incites of the sales and purchases of each company. See to the smooth flow of cash in and out of the companies.”“I see, can I get a copy of this sent to my email, I need to examine them thoroughly,” Alfred muttered.“Okay sir, I will do that right now.”“And I would like to visit the Semond company tomorrow.”“Okay, do you want to inform the manager about your coming?”“No,
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Chapter Eight
“Get the hell out of this building. right now!”“Ma'am please you can't fire me, I'm sorry, please forgive me,” Nicolas Flame crouched, pleading for her sympathy. Miss Ree glared at him scornfully and commanded the security to kick him out.“Take him out of this premises, right now.”Nicolas Flame, figuring out that Alfred could save him, scrambled to his feet, pleading for his forgiveness.“Please forgive me, I didn't mean to insult you. Save me from this shame, I will spill out the truth about the money, You never stole the money.”What!Everyone gasped for air, on hearing the Manager declare openly about the theft. Alfred darted his eyes at him with rage seething through his face.“I said kick him out,” Miss Ree roared, her face turned livid.The bodyguard hurled him out of the company, Everyone watched with trepidation written all over their faces. Sydney on hearing that his friend was innocent felt guilty for not believing him, he made an attempt to approach Alfred but he was h
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Chapter Nine
“And who is this peon, how dare you talk when I'm talking, I'm saving your sorry ass from this leech but you choose to side with him,” Mallory said, casting a condescending glare at both of them.“You need to put a halt to your drama and go find somewhere to sit,” Alfred tried to be courteous one more time. “I'm not going to sit down here and watch a pauper like eat in this Restaurant, it's an insult to the scion of affluent families,” She said raising her voice, this caused the people seated around them to stare and laud her.Alfred was stunned and agitated at the same time, he couldn't believe that the woman he once loved and respected could turn cold and hostile towards him. He tried to quell the rage welling in his heart. Just then the waitress brought their orders. Mallory turns to the waitress.“Don't you know the ethics of this Restaurant, how can you save food for a pauper like him, how do you expect him to pay,” Mallory taunts, pointing at Alfred.“And who said I can't pay
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Chapter Ten
“Forgive me, young master, please order whatever you wish sir, you don't have to pay for it, accept my offer as an apology for my misconduct earlier.”He extended the card back to Alfred.Alfred collected it calmly and slouched down to his seat.“Thank you, sir,” he muttered and instructed the waitress to give them whatever they wanted. The waitress was confused about the whole scene, she nodded her head to the instructions and left. The customers couldn't help but throw a few glances at them.“Oh my! How did you pull that off? Jasmine, who was quite a while ago, exclaimed excitedly immediately after the manager left.Alfred grinned at her and said, “Let's not talk about it today, is your day,” He heaved a sigh of relief “I'm really sorry, they almost ruined your day.”“It's fine, I know that lady as a venomous woman, she always makes trouble wherever she goes,” she said, rolling her eyes.Alfred became curious, his expression skeptical, he asked “How do you know her?”“Well, her fa
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