Chapter six

“Will you be starting up tomorrow sir?” Miss Ree inquired.

“Yeah, I will come and take a look at how the Empire works.” 

“Ok sir, see you tomorrow then,” Miss Ree stretched out her hand for a handshake, Alfred grabbed her hand feeling the warmth and softness.

“I will take my leave now,” Miss Ree took hold of her pulse and bade them goodbye before stepping out of the mansion.

A few minutes later, the butler came to drop Alfred off at his new apartment. He bade his Father goodbye, pledging to make him proud before departing from the magnificent manor.

The Next day, Alfred arrived at The Jadin Empire headquarters before 8 am, He was ushered into the HR office by the receptionist after a rude interrogation. He stood in front of the door with a tag, written boldly on it, ‘HR: MRS. EVAN’, He knocked on it. A vulgar and hoarse voice came from the inside,

“And, Who is it?”

Alfred adjusted the plain shirt he was putting on, looking composed and calm. He held the knob of the door, twisted it, and walked into the well-furnished office.

“Good morning ma”

Mrs Evan glared at him disdainfully from head to toe.

“Ehh, How can I help you?”

“Ma’am I'm the new salesperson.”

“I see,” Mrs Evan scrutinized his calm demeanor, giving him an intimidating glare.

“And you are dressed like a pauper? I hope you are not one of those that only comes to loot us,” Mrs Evan sneered. 

Alfred shook his head in defense.

“No ma'am.”

“Keep quiet, you won't admit it but I promise you, if I find out, then kiss your sorry ass goodbye.” 

Alfred could only see how despiteful she was to him, if only she knew who he was, she wouldn't be this hostile towards him. She picked up the telephone and dialed a number.

“Get down to my office immediately,” She commands, still glaring at Alfred superciliously.

Within a few seconds, the door to his office swung open revealing the face of a beautiful lady. She was wearing a black suit with a white striped shirt underneath, her hair was tied up and she wore a light makeup on her delicate face, exuding an aura of poise.

“Good morning Ma'am,” She bowed while greeting without staring at her face.

“I need you to take him to the Head of the accountant's office for proper orientation,” Mrs. Evan ordered.

“Yes ma'am,” She bowed.

“Please come with me.”

Alfred followed her, Mrs. Evan stared at him, her lips curled into a sullen sneer as they stepped out of her office. 

“I'm Jasmine, and you?” She introduced herself immediately after they stepped out of Mrs. Evan’s office.

“I'm Alfred,” He was amazed at how kind and friendly she was.

“You must be the new sales personnel,” She uttered, her voice tinged with a hint of ardor.

“Yeah, I am,” Alfred replied, gaping into the face of the first person who was nice to him since he stepped into the Empire.

“I am also one of the sales personnel and I won't mind showing you around later.”

“Sure, that will be so nice of you,”

“Alright, here we are!”

They stood in front of the office with the tag HOA: MR JONES. Jasmine knocked, and a commanding voice slipped through the door.

“Come in.” 

Jasmine stepped in, and then Alfred followed suit.

“You must be the new sales personnel?” He snorted.

“Yes sir,” Alfred bowed.

“I see,” He scowled at him 

“Excuse us, Jasmine.” 

“Yes sir,” She took a few steps backward and bowed before stepping out.

Mr. Jones glanced at Alfred with a cold and proud demeanor, rocking his seat back and forth. Alfred could feel his cold gaze at him but was undisturbed, He was ready to take in whatever came his way.

“You see in this Empire, you either work with me or I work against you,” He spoke up in a voice of cold fury.

Alfred did not figure out what he meant immediately but he was ready to comply until he fished out the depraver.

“So, as a sales personnel you work under me and do what I say.”

Alfred nodded.

“You got that?” He snickered, slamming the table furiously.

“Yes sir.”

“Take this file….” He was still speaking when the telephone rang. 

He picked it up instantly.

“Okay ma'am, I will send him to you immediately,” He dropped the phone.

“Seems you have gotten into trouble already, just an hour ago you resumed,” He mocked.

“The Manager wants to see you now.”

Alfred didn't fidget a bit because he knew he hadn't gotten into any fuss since he walked into the Empire.

“Okay sir,” He bowed and walked out.

He met Jasmine, who directed him to the manager's office. 

Inside the manager's office.

“Good morning Mr President, How are you copying in the Empire?” Miss Ree asked, with a wide grin on her face.

“Well, just getting to know the employees, I'm not sure but I can see the sneaky peaky going on in this Empire.”

“What! Really, you can tell me, sir,” Miss Ree arched her eyebrow.

“Not now, I need to get my evidence right first, you called me.”

“Oh! Yes, sir, You need to go through the list of Companies owned by The Jadin’s Empire, and look at their annual revenue and their expansion so far.”

“Okay,” Alfred collected the file and flipped through it. He was stunned by the multitude of companies owned by his father's Empires in and out of New Chelsea city.

“IVY company, Detroit tech company, Fiver company, what! Semond company,” He screamed at the sight of Semond company, his former workplace where he was framed and sent to jail.

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