Chapter seven

“Any problem sir,” Miss Ree peeked at his awestruck expression.

“No no.”

“Okay, your Father owners 30% of the companies here in new Chelsea city, and among others that are collaborating with him in and out of the City, some are doing exceptionally great, like for example IVY company with an annual revenue of Two trillion dollars, followed by Fiver, NikeTech and so on. In the Jadin’s Empire headquarters, we managed and monitored the progress of each company. This is the headquarters of all the companies owned by your Father.” She explained.

“The reason I had to suggest you work as sales personnel is so you have the incites of the sales and purchases of each company. See to the smooth flow of cash in and out of the companies.”

“I see, can I get a copy of this sent to my email, I need to examine them thoroughly,” Alfred muttered.

“Okay sir, I will do that right now.”

“And I would like to visit the Semond company tomorrow.”

“Okay, do you want to inform the manager about your coming?”

“No, I will give you a call if there is any problem.”

“Okay sir, that's all for now.”

“I will head back to work then,” Alfred stood up and strolled out of the office. He went back to the HOA office. Where a ton of files was handed out to him, so he could go through it. Jasmine was kind enough to put him through some work. Though he worked as a sales personnel in a semond company, this was totally different because he was dealing with fifty-five companies at one time. He had to adapt to it efficiently and swiftly.

The next day, Alfred arrived at the Semond company, the memories of what happened two years ago came hovering in his head the moment he stepped into the building, and a surge of resentment coursed through his heart. He clutches his fist, suppressing the turmoil that seethes through him. 

Few stepped into the company, he was stopped by the receptionist Miss Nora who looked furious rather than surprised to see him.

“What the hell are you doing here?” She asked disdainfully.

“The last I checked, nobody was banned from entering this company, so my present doesn't deserve such a question,” He grinned, trying to contain the rage welling inside him.

“You are not just anybody but a crook, so take a step back and leave this company before I call the security to come and kick you out,” She snarled.

“I could watch you try,” Alfred scoffed, staring at her fearlessly.

Nora was taken aback by his sudden display of attitude. His cold and proud demeanor startled her but she waved it off. 

‘He must have come back thinking he would be accepted after committing an outrageous crime,’ She thought to herself.

“You need to leave this minute, or else I will call the security,” she said with a condescending gaze.

“I won't waste one more minute with you, I need to see the manager,” Alfred walked out on her.

“Get back here, you pauper,” She yelled at him.

Alfred was about to leave the reception when the manager emerged from the inside with his face flushed with anger at the sight of Alfred.

“What is going on here?” Nicolas Flame, the manager of Semond company bellowed. 

This made some of the workers move toward the reception, they were all dumbfounded to behold the presence of Alfred. Sydney, who assumed Alfred had come to plead, curled his lips into a sneer.

“Sir, I have been trying to stop this loser from getting into the company but he paid no attention to my words,” Miss Nora uttered.

Nicolas Flame glared at Alfred contemptuously, wondering how he got out of prison. 

“You thief, how dare you show your miserable face here,” The manager raged.

“Do not call me that, You knew very well I never stole that money.” For the first time, Alfred defended himself in his presence boldly without trembling, Nicolas Flame was stunned.

“You dare talk back at me, you are not just a thief but a fibber.” 

Alfred was trembling in anger, he clenched his fist, stifling the emotions that ran through his spine.

“I never stole that money and I'm going to prove it to all of you,” He stared at their faces. They were surprised at his cold display of attitude, he was underestimated. The manager who couldn't believe his sudden cold demeanor dashed to hit his face but his hand was held back by Alfred.

“Don't you dare lay your hand on me,” Alfred tugged the manager's hands away.

“How dare you?”

Nicolas' flame was outraged. 

“You are going to be severely dealt with,” He took his phone and called security. Within a few minutes the security guards troop in.

“Take this lunatic, and lock him up in the guard room, treat him like the crime that he is,” He ordered. 

The security men approached Alfred to jerk him out, but a voice exuding an aura of dominating power brought them to a halt.

“Do not lay your fusty hand on him.”

They are awestruck by the presence of Miss Ree, who barely makes public appearances. She was only present if there was an important issue. They all bowed as she stepped into the company, Nicolas flames immediately sprinted to her and lowered his head.

“Miss Ree, you did not inform me you were coming to the company,” He muttered, grinning widely.

“So I need an invitation before coming,” She blustered.

“No ma'am, I was ju..….” he was still talking when Miss Ree raised her hand to shut him up. Everyone trembled with fear.

“So, what is going on here?”

“Ma’am, you don't need to bother yourself. I was placing this criminal where he rightfully belongs,” He said pointing at Alfred with a smirk on his face.


A slap landed on Nicolas Fame's cheeks, the slap echoed throughout the reception, sending shivers down everyone's spine. He held his almost red cheek in awe

“I have seen you, you have lost your sense of humor. Is this how you treat strangers?” Miss Ree yelled, her voice tinged with a hint of fury.

“Ma’am, you don't get it, heis a thief.”

“You are fired!”

“What! You can't fire me because of this criminal.” 

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