Chapter Eight

“Get the hell out of this building. right now!”

“Ma'am please you can't fire me, I'm sorry, please forgive me,” Nicolas Flame crouched, pleading for her sympathy. 

Miss Ree glared at him scornfully and commanded the security to kick him out.

“Take him out of this premises, right now.”

Nicolas Flame, figuring out that Alfred could save him, scrambled to his feet, pleading for his forgiveness.

“Please forgive me, I didn't mean to insult you. Save me from this shame, I will spill out the truth about the money, You never stole the money.”


Everyone gasped for air, on hearing the Manager declare openly about the theft. Alfred darted his eyes at him with rage seething through his face.

“I said kick him out,” Miss Ree roared, her face turned livid.

The bodyguard hurled him out of the company, Everyone watched with trepidation written all over their faces. 

Sydney on hearing that his friend was innocent felt guilty for not believing him, he made an attempt to approach Alfred but he was halted by the dreadful glance thrown at him by Alfred, and he shamelessly sauntered back.

“Get back to work everyone, a new manager will be appointed shortly, let this serve as a lesson to every one of you,” Miss Ree declared. Everyone immediately rushed back to their working position.

“I'm sorry sir for the misconduct of my staff,” Miss Ree whispered to him.

“It's alright, I need the financial record of the company for the past two years,” Alfred blurted silently.

“Okay sir, I will get that ready immediately.” 

A message immediately popped up in his phone, he brought it out and took a glance.


He murmured before shoving it back into his pocket.

“Just send it to my email, I have to go now,” He dashed out immediately leaving Miss Ree stumped.

Alfred received a text message from Jasmine reminding him of her birthday, which she had earlier disclosed to him at work and Alfred promised to give her a treat.

He immediately boarded a cap to Decorte Restaurant, the most expensive Restaurant in the New Chelsea city which happened to be owned by His father. Inside the cap, he phoned Jasmine to meet him there.

“What! Are you kidding me, I don't want to wash plates or mob the floor. Do you know how outrageous their prices are?” She screamed on the phone, and Alfred couldn't help but giggled softly.

“You don't need to worry I got this, I promised to give you a special treat and I'm going to fulfill it.”

“How will you get the money, you just started working. You haven't even been paid yet,” she sounded concerned.

“Don't worry, just get down here immediately.”

“Fine,” she growled.

Alfred smiled and ended the call. ‘She had no idea who he is, if she did, she wouldn't grumble’, Alfred thought.

After a few minutes of driving, the Cabman stopped in front of the Decorte Restaurant, paid him, and stepped into an extravagant building that was lavishly decorated with the most expensive ornaments. He was fascinated by the alluring beauty of the building. He had heard about the Restaurant several times but this was his first time stepping into the magnificent Hotel.

He glanced around hoping to catch sight of Jasmine but no sight of her yet. 

He was suddenly nudged softly from the back, he turned and his heart fluttered to behold the present of Jasmine who was draped in a silky gossamer dress, sprinkled with sparkles, she looked like a fairy. The look was completed with the wings spread behind, and a crown made with flowers twisted together with silver jewelry, which caused people to stare daggers at her.

“You look gorgeous tonight.”

“Thank you,” she giggled.

The gentlemen in the Restaurant threw a seductive gaze at her, giving Alfred a sneer. They were wondering how a beautiful Princess like her would be hanging out with a pauper like him considering the shabby dress he wore. 

Alfred ignored their condescending gaze and held her hand guiding her elegantly to an empty seat. They both sat down and he gave a signal for the waitress to come take their order.

“We are really doing this,” she heaved a sigh of relief.

Alfred glanced at her uneasy demeanor and uttered, 

“Relax, okay! it's my savings for years that I'm going to be using, hope that clears your doubt.”

Jasmine groaned, “ You want to use your savings for my birthday? Are you sure about this?”

“Yes, just loosen up and enjoy your day.”

“Thank you,” she chuckled.

The waitress came to their table and took their order before heading back to get it ready.

They were chatting and giggling when two couples walked up to them.

“Look who we have here, a peasant who has found another person to leech on.” 

Alfred raised his face to meet the contemptuous gaze of his ex-wife Mallory with Jay Tyler wrapping his hand around Mallory's waist.

“How did they let a pauper like you inside this restaurant meant for prominent men?” She asked; anger evident in her voice.

Alfred scrolled down his eyes on her, the sight of her protruded belly spouts anger in him, he clutched his fists to suppress the rage.

“The last time I checked this hotel is open to EVERYONE,” he said, emphasizing the word "everyone.

“You are not just Everyone, you are a thief! An ex-convict! a loser! a pauper who leeches on everyone around him,” Mallory blurted out, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness.

“That is enough ma’am, he hasn't done anything to warrant the names,” Jasmine retorted.

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