Chapter Nine

“And who is this peon, how dare you talk when I'm talking, I'm saving your sorry ass from this leech but you choose to side with him,” Mallory said, casting a condescending glare at both of them.

“You need to put a halt to your drama and go find somewhere to sit,” Alfred tried to be courteous one more time. 

“I'm not going to sit down here and watch a pauper like eat in this Restaurant, it's an insult to the scion of affluent families,” She said raising her voice, this caused the people seated around them to stare and laud her.

Alfred was stunned and agitated at the same time, he couldn't believe that the woman he once loved and respected could turn cold and hostile towards him. He tried to quell the rage welling in his heart. 

Just then the waitress brought their orders. Mallory turns to the waitress.

“Don't you know the ethics of this Restaurant, how can you save food for a pauper like him, how do you expect him to pay,” Mallory taunts, pointing at Alfred.

“And who said I can't pay for the order?”

The waitress darted her eyes on Alfred and realized he was putting on shabby clothes. she felt outraged after deducing that Alfred meant not being able to pay for the meal. Jay Tyler who had been observing and taking pleasure in the drama with a sneer on his face, blurted,

“Don't worry, I'm going to call your manager to put him in prison where he belongs.”

The waitress heaved a sigh of relief, Jay Tyler brought out his phone and called the manager immediately.

“He will be here soon,” He smirked.

“Yeah honey, thank you so much, 

you are just the best. You know the high and mighty, just a phone call and everything is settled. Finally, this peasant will be thrown out here like the piece of trash that he is,” Mallory snorted with a disdained smirk on her face.

Jasmine, who couldn't put up with the insult, held Alfred's hands trying to soothe his pain.

The manager worked in, he was draped in expensive clothes. He looked a bit aged with a string of white hair in his head.

“What is the problem?” He asked, glancing at Alfred despitefully. He hated seeing a pauper in his restaurant and Alfred was the only shabbily dressed customer he could see.

“It seems one of your staff made a mistake entertaining a wretched pauper in this magnificent restaurant only meant for the affluent,” Mallory scoffed.

The manager turned to the waitress who was already shivering with a quilt.

“How dare you? Your salary is hereby withheld until it is clear the depth you incurred,” he revolted, giving a stern warning to the waitress before turning to Alfred with a scornful look.

“As for you low lif…”

“Enough of this,” Alfred bellowed, fury expressed on his face, leaving everyone stunned.

“I never said I can't pay for the meal I ordered.”

“Shut your stinging mouth, you don't need to say it. It is written all over you,” Mallory smirked.

“Try to save your stupid ass and keep quiet, you pervert.” Jay Tyler retorted.

Alfred, who couldn't take the mockery and insult thrown at him anymore, reached out to his side pocket, brought out the platinum card given to him by his Father, and shoved it to the manager's face.

“You think I can't pay right, take this card, swipe it in your machine, and deduct your money,” He said boastfully.

“Trying to show off! With this stupid card that probably won't be working and even if it does there wouldn't be a penny in it, because you are penniless,” Mallory snorted.

The manager grabbed the card from him and signaled the waitress to bring the machine. Everyone was quiet waiting for the outcome, immediately he wanted to swipe the card and he caught sight of a customized symbol of an Eagle on it. 

His heart fluttered and his hands quivered. In the whole of the New Chelsea city, this type of card is owned by only three men who are the most prominent men of the city. The Eagle, Dragon, and Python are the customized symbols of each card owned by the men. Out of the three men, one happened to be his boss and had the Eagle symbol on his card. It is only people that are related to them that have access to their card. The manager shivered after realizing that Alfred might have some connection with his boss. 

He immediately hunkered down to Alfred's foot and begged.

“Please forgive me, young master, I have no idea who you are, it was a mistake.” Everyone's jaw dropped as they caught sight of the manager crouched down in front of a low-life Alfred. 

Mallory gasped trying to comprehend what was going on, she blurted furiously,

“What are you doing? How can you squat at the feet of this pauper? You need to throw him out and not treat him like a mini-god.” 

The manager stood up and stared at her furiously.

“Ma’am you need to shut up and leave this minutes before I have the security throw you out,” 

“I can't believe you are treating this low life like he is a scion of some affluent family, you need to hurl him out like a criminal that he is,” Jay Tyler sneered.

“Get out the both of you or have your families blacklist from entering this restaurant,” The manager growled at Mallory and Jay. 

They both stare at him dumbfounded.

Mallory blustered, “What! you are taking sides with this pervert?”

“You heard him, get out!” Alfred smirked.

“You will pay for this,” Jay Tyler replied before grasping the hands of Mallory whose face was seething with fury. They marched out of the restaurant angrily.

The manager turned to Alfred with a penitent look on his face.

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