Chapter Ten

“Forgive me, young master, please order whatever you wish sir, you don't have to pay for it, accept my offer as an apology for my misconduct earlier.”

He extended the card back to Alfred.

Alfred collected it calmly and slouched down to his seat.

“Thank you, sir,” he muttered and instructed the waitress to give them whatever they wanted. 

The waitress was confused about the whole scene, she nodded her head to the instructions and left. 

The customers couldn't help but throw a few glances at them.

“Oh my! How did you pull that off? Jasmine, who was quite a while ago, exclaimed excitedly immediately after the manager left.

Alfred grinned at her and said, “Let's not talk about it today, is your day,” He heaved a sigh of relief “I'm really sorry, they almost ruined your day.”

“It's fine, I know that lady as a venomous woman, she always makes trouble wherever she goes,” she said, rolling her eyes.

Alfred became curious, his expression skeptical, he asked “How do you know her?”

“Well, her family's company, the Delton company, had some business setbacks a year ago and Jadin’s Empires interceded, so I prepared their financial support.”

Alfred dilated his eyes in surprise, then suddenly curled his lips in a sullen sneer and breathed out, “ I see!”

“Do you know her?” Jasmine suddenly asked.

“Not at all,” He smirked.

“Happy Birthday to you Jasmine, cheers to long life,” he said, raising his wine glass and clicking it to hers, they both chuckled.

“Thank you so much Alfred for making this birthday one of the best.”

“It's fine!”

The rest of the night was amazing, they both conversed and chortled till they were exhausted before retiring to their different apartments.

Immediately Alfred got to his apartment, he checked his emails. Miss Ree had already sent him the financial record of the Semond company. He carefully went through them and was baffled to discover that no money had gone missing two years ago.


‘This was totally different from the document Nicolas Flame submitted to the court’ He thought and suddenly felt outraged.

‘ Who was behind this? Why will the person frame me?’ 

He was going to find out and make the person pay for denting his name.

He brought out his phone and dialed Miss Ree's number.

“Hello, sir.”

“I need you to do something for me.”

“Okay, Mr. President.”

“Summon Nicolas Flame for a private interrogation.”

“Will do that immediately sir.”

“One more thing, I need the financial contract between Dalton’s company and the Jadin’s Empires sent to my email.”

“Okay president, any other thing.”

“Yeah, invite them to the Empires tomorrow for an urgent meeting.”

“Alright, Mr. President.”

He hung up, and within a minute an email from Miss Ree popped up on his phone. Alfred scanned through it and discovered that his ex-in-law Dalton's company owed the Jadin Empire a huge amount of money which they remitted gradually. 

He smirked, it was time to dish his ex-in-law for a test of their medicine. A wicked smug is portrayed on his face.

He instructed his manager to increase the money that Dalton’s company was likely to remit by 10 times or vacate the company if they did not meet up.

In William’s Mansion, Mr. William became restless after receiving an email from the Jadin Empires for an urgent meeting.

“Honey, you need to relax, it 's just a meeting,” Mrs. Williams said to his restless husband while massaging his shoulder to calm his nerves.

“Yeah, the more reason I need to be bothered, a meeting but the reason wasn't stated,” He said nervously.

“It still doesn't mean anything. The last time I checked the company remitted money for this month.”

“Which is just a pinch to the salt, we still have a long way to go.”

“Yeah, but we will get through it, so cheer up, let's go find out the reason for this meeting.”

They both hurried to Jadin’s Empire after informing the rest of the family about the urgent meeting. Everyone hoped for an optimistic outcome.

The Williams limousine rolled to a stop at Jadin Empires, they almost ran over someone.

“Oh my!” Alfred exclaimed as he tottered.

Not caring what just happened, they marched down from the car 


“Can't you see,” Mrs William bellowed. She veered around and her expression turned into scorn, her lips curled into a sneer at the sight of Alfred.

“What the hell is a pauper like you doing in this place, You aren't supposed to be allowed to walk in through the gate let alone stand in its premises,” She fumes, giving him a haughty look.

“Saying sorry for once won't hurt, you know,” Alfred uttered.

Mr William gazed at him contemptuously and muttered, “ I don't apologize to a low-life like you, who are too blind to watch their steps.”

“I will make you apologize soon,” Alfred murmured silently.

“You say what? You can't even talk loudly anymore. Your wretched life has eaten deep into your miserable life, I will make sure you get kicked out and banned from entering this prestigious Empire,” Mr Williams scoffed.

Alfred stared at him with a smirk on his face and said, “ Let me watch you do that.”

“You pervert, I can see you have grown wigs, Don't worry I will trim it off and place you where you belong,” Mrs Williams uttered.

“Honey, let's not waste our time with this pauper, we need to hurry up for the meetings,” Mr. Williams said.

“You wretch just watched what I will do to you,” Mrs. Williams scoffed, with a condescending gaze before marching into the Empire with her husband. 

The receptionist ushered them into the Vice President's office, they walked in grinning widely at the sight of Miss Ree. 

Miss Ree who had seen what transpired between the duo and Alfred put on a sardonic smile.

“Good morning ma,” They both greeted. 

“Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Williams, thank you for making it to this urgent meeting, you may have a sit, and let's begin,” Miss Ree muttered, solemnity expressed on her face.

Mr. Williams' heart fluttered, and they both sat down anxiously waiting for the reason behind the urgent meeting.

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