Chapter five

A black Bentley Mulliner Batur came to a stop a few feet away from where they stood. One of the bodyguards opened the door and bowed his head as they all glided in. 

After about two hours, the car came to a halt in front of a magnificent building. Alfred found himself wowed by the exquisite ambiance. He has never seen a building so luxurious and grandiose, let alone about to step into it. The whole mansion screamed opulence. The door was opened by one of the bodyguards and they alighted. 

Hundreds of bodyguards and maids aligned to welcome them, each bowing their heads as they stepped inside.

Alfred found himself at a complete loss for words as they walked to the living room. 

The inside of the mansion was luxuriously decorated with ornaments that reflected the golden painting of the building. He has heard a lot about Mr Jadin's opulence but this was the first time he is a witness to it, but what even amazed him the most is that he is now part of the family.  

He was snapped out of his thoughts by one of the maids.

“Young master, would you like to bathe before eating?”  

“Go take a shower, then come down for a meal, we have a lot to talk about,” Mr. Jadin interjected. 

“I will do just that,” 

Alfred was led into one of the rooms which were pronounced his, Inside the room Alfred gaped at the well-decorated room which emitted opulence. He had never dreamed of being in this kind of room, let alone having it as his own. 

After a few minutes, Alfred stepped out of the room looking so splendid in the ravishing outfit that was given to him by one of the maids. Having detached himself from the tattered clothes, Alfred felt refreshed, though the clothes he was putting on weren't the best because his size was not available at the moment but he felt different.

Alfred was ushered into the dining room for a meal, he devoured the meal like a hungry lion causing the maids to stare at him puzzled but he overlooked the awkward gaze of them and continued his meal until he was completely satisfied. That was the first time he ate a good meal for a long time. 

After eating to his satisfaction, Alfred was summoned by Mr. Jadin to his study room. Inside the study room, Alfred could see some documents littered inside the room, it seemed Mr Jadin and his Manager had been going through some documents.

“You sent for me,” Alfred stood staring at the face of the richest man in New Chelsea City who happened to be his Father. Just a few days ago he was in prison suffering for a crime he never committed, and then his wife ditched him by getting pregnant for Jay Tyler while he was in prison. The thought of everything makes his heart pound in pain.

“Yes, Son.” The voice of Mr. Jadin jolted him to present.

“It's time you take up what rightfully belongs to you.”

“I'm confused Father,” Alfred arched his eyebrows.

“You might have heard about the Jadin Empire which ranked first in New Chelsea city,” Alfred nodded. 

“I own it and as my son it only rights you take up the responsibility as the heir to my Empires. It has always been my dream to find you and hand it over to you.”

“Is it not too early father?”

“No my son, you see after your mother's death, I got married to Mrs. Bacci and we have a daughter together.” 

Alfred was stunned by this revelation,

“Are you saying I have a stepsister?”

“Yes you do, but I found out that Mrs Bacci was cheating on me with my enemy, so I demanded a divorce but she refused until her daughter was made heir to the Jadin Empires.”

“That is ridiculous!” Alfred exclaimed looking pissed off.

“Yes it is, So since then my life has been threatened. I need to take a break for a while and that is why I'm putting you in charge of my Empire. I believe with the help of my manager Miss Ree you will pull through.”

Alfred took a glimpse of Miss Ree who sat pretty going through some documents.

“Is it not too sudden father?” Alfred's face arched with concern.

“No, it is not, it has always been my dream to find you and hand the Empire to you. I and your mother built this Empire from scratch until death took her away. I'm only fulfilling one of our wishes.”

“If you believe in me then, I will take up the responsibility but first I have to find out how the Empire works and who is truly behind your attacks and so I need my identity to remain hidden for the moment.”

Miss Ree then chipped in,

“In that case, you will be coming in disguise as one of the sales personnel in Jadin’s Empire's headquarters.”

“Perfect! you get to study how the in and outflow of cash operates and other operations.” Mr. Jadin uttered.

“Alright father,” Alfred exclaimed.

“I need you to go through this document and sign it” 

Alfred took the document from him, scanning through it Alfred gasped, he couldn't believe what he was staring at.

“A net worth of Eight hundred trillion dollars!” These words escaped his mouth, and he quickly wrapped one of his arms around his mouth.

“That was the net worth of the last five years, we have lost count because the Empire keeps booming every year,” Mr Jadin declared leaving Alfred dazed and awestruck. He was still trying to comprehend what was happening in his life. He took a pen, signed it, and handed it back to his Father.

“This is a platinum card, which contains 500 billion dollars and unlimited transactions. Manage this for now, an accommodation will be made for you,” Mr Jadin handed him the card only owned by him in the New Chelsea city. Alfred was overwhelmed by happiness, he couldn't believe he was holding onto the only card in the whole city, that was held by prominent men.

“I will send my butler to drive to your new place, though not up to your standard but you will have to manage for the time being until your identity is revealed,”.

Alfred nodded, trying to absorb everything because he couldn't still believe that he was now the heir of the Jadin Empire, ranked first in New Chelsea city.

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