Chapter four

Sitting in a corner of the room was a young woman dressed in a cream-colored dress. The long dress cascaded over her shoulder and her features were delicate. She looked to be around Twenty-seven years old, Alfred had assumed she was the man's daughter. They were in an intense conversation when he walked in, the conversation must be confidential as all the bodyguards were sent out of the room, leaving them both in a confidential aura.

“Good day sir, how are you feeling now?” Alfred asked, bowing his head.

Mr Jadin and his Manager Miss Ree scrutinized Alfred's demeanor which exuded the aura of calmness and innocence. They inferred that he couldn't possibly be one of the men who ambushed him last night, though still wrapped in his tattered old-fashioned cloth with patches on some side, his face still emits the ambiance of innocence.

“I'm getting better, thank you. I was told, you were the person who brought me here last night,” Mr Jadin inquired, he arched his eyebrows, his expression skeptical.

“Yes, I did,” Alfred mumbled.

Miss Ree gazed at him gently and uttered

“Thank you, gentleman, for saving my boss, you are going to be rewarded for your kind gestures,” her voice calm and pleasing to the ear. That was the first time a lady had been amicable to him.

“You can request for anything you want in return for your kind gestures,” Mr Jadin exclaimed. 

Alfred's heart fluttered with happiness, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

With his face raised, he uttered,

“Sir, I wasn't doing it….” he was still talking when Mr Jadin leaned forward and asked him to come closer.

“I need you to move a bit closer to me,” Mr Jadin instructed, staring at him dumbfounded.

Without any reluctance, Alfred took a few steps closer to him.

Mr. Jadin stretched his hand to grasp the pendent on Alfred's Neck, gaping at the pendent his face was agitated.

The tension in the room grew palpable. Miss Ree broke the frozen silence that enveloped the air,

“ Mr President, what is the problem?”

Mr Jadin glanced at them simultaneously.

“Can you tell me about yourself and how you got this pendant,” he finally uttered.

Alfred, who looked rather dazed, cleared his throat to narrate to Mr Jadin how he grew up in the orphanage without the knowledge of his parents.

He could see Mr Jadin's eyes glistening with tears. Miss Ree stared at them perplexed

“What is your name?” Mr Jadin asked, with his nose almost stuffy due to the emotions running through his spine.

“My name is Alfred,” He responded, staring at the old man who looked awestruck with his mouth gasping for air.

“He is my son! He is my son,” Mr. Jadin yelled, almost to the point of tears.

Alfred looked at him awkwardly.

“Your son? How sir?” Miss Ree asked, her face dripping with confusion. Alfred stood frozen for a moment.

Mr. Jadin explains to them how his first wife and son were kidnapped twenty-eight years ago. When they got to the scene it was only the wife's dead body that was found. Since then he had been searching for him but no result until now. He disclosed that the pendant Alfred was putting on was given to his son during his two-year birthday before the incident. The pendant has a picture of him, his wife, and his son and he has the key to unlock it. 

He summoned his butler to hurry to the mansion immediately and search for a small key in his safe cabinet. Within a few minutes, the butler returned with exactly what he asked for.

“Please can you remove it for a minute?” Alfred nodded his head. This was the first time he would be taken out, even in the prison he made sure it never got out of his neck. He held onto it as if his life depended on it. 

With shaky hands, Mr Jadin shoved the key and turned the knob. Instantly the pendent opens revealing the faces of three people, Father, mother, and son. A surge of happiness coursed through his veins as he grinned widely, tears rolling down his cheeks. He couldn't believe he was staring at the face of Son. 

Alfred's heart thumped loudly, a mixture of emotions running down his spine. He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

“Yes! He is my long lost son,” Mr Jadin hollered, signing Alfred to come and embrace him. Alfred approached him, stared into his eyes, and burst into tears. Mr. Jadin wrapped his hands around Alfred, not caring how tattered and wretched he looked.

A Peaceful aura enveloped the air, you could only hear the sob between Father and Son as they hugged each other. Miss Ree stood up and petted them on their backs. For the brief moments that the warm hug lasted, Mr Jadin felt rejuvenated. The pains he was experiencing before disappeared. He had no idea whether it was because of the intense euphoria of having found his long-lost son or because of the hug.

They pulled apart from the hug and he demanded to see a doctor. 

Within a second a doctor rushed into the room.

“I need you to properly examine me, I want to be discharged immediately.” Mr Jadin expressed.

“Okay sir,” The male doctor bowed and began to check his vital signs. He examined him thoroughly and was baffled by how he recuperated so fast. 

“Sir with the look of things, you seem fine; like nothing happened to you at first, that is kind of a surprise but I want to be sure if you still feel pain anywhere?” The doctor affirmed.

“No, I feel alright.”

“Then we can prepare for your discharge immediately sir.”

“Yeah, please do.”

The doctor readied him for discharge, and within a few minutes Mr Jadin, Miss Ree, Alfred, and all his bodyguards were outside the hospital. 

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