Chapter three

He assumed it was the area's thugs berating prey so he decided not to interfere but the groans came again, this time it was faint and weak. 

He took a few slow steps forward to where the sound was coming from, his face dripping with trepidation. A few steps closer, he gasped at the horrible sight before him, an old man lying in the pool of his blood, surrounded by dead men. 

Scrutinizing the dead man's physique he could divulge they were the old man's bodyguards. Alfred's heart trembled in fear, the thought of running away clouds in heart but then he caught a glimpse of the old man's hand shaking.  

He resolved to save the almost lifeless old man. He took a few steps towards him and hunched down, positioning his index finger on the man's wrists, he felt his pulse. 

“Oh! Thank Goodness,” He mumbled after detecting there was still life left in him.

With the only strength left in his body, he hauled the old man who may be possibly weighing 260 pounds to his damaged car. Scrutinizing the old man's attire and the car which was smashed by criminals behind the attack he could deduce he was an influential man.  

The thought of why he was in that state came jogging on Alfred's head but he waved it off. Saving him was his utmost priority. He scanned the car and the car key was still there, he shoved it into the car and it came to life. Thank Goodness the car wasn't totally damaged. 

The drive to the nearest hospital took thirty minutes. The car rolled to a stop at the front of Paxton’s hospital. He dashed into the hospital to call for an assistant.

“Please I need you to come help me get a dying old man out of the car into the hospital,” He implored the help of a nurse, but the nurse stared at him disdainfully. Glancing at Alfred's outfits, she inferred that he might have run away from the psychiatric department.

“You mentally deranged patients always like running away, don't worry I'm going to call help to take you back where you belong,” She scoffed, glaring at him with anger seething through her.

Alfred looked at her bewildered, then he took a glance at himself and bit his lower lips after figuring out what she was hinting at. He tightened his knuckles, forcing back the rage that was welling up in his heart. He tried to be courteous one more time.

“Ma’am I need you to help me get the old man that is almost at the point of death in the car.”

The nurse darted her eyes at him, her voice dripping with venom, she yelled.

“Could you please keep your mouth shut, you are disturbing the peace of the hospital. I already told you that I will call for help.” 

Alfred realizes that engaging in more dialogue with the nurse will do him no good and the old man doesn't have enough time either. He raced to the car and opened the door, with all his resilience, he hauled the man into the hospital.

“Oh! Jess!” The Nurse shrieked at the sight of Alfred carrying the old dying man into the hospital, she immediately sprinted and brought a stroller and the man was placed in it. 

Staring at the old man's face the nurse gasped for air, she couldn't believe who was brought in by the man who looked mentally retard. 

The Nurse immediately called for an Emergency and the old man was taken to the VIP room, medical care was administered to the old man without requesting anything from Alfred. 

Alfred was stunned at how the hospital medical personnel got busy immediately when the old man was brought into the hospital, he called the attention of some of them but they never gave him a second look. They were running a halter scatter to save his life.

The next day, Alfred who slept in the hospital waiting room, woke up with his stomach growling loudly, he hadn't eaten anything for the whole of last night. He dashed outside the waiting room to check on the old man but was perplexed by the tight bodyguard securing the hospital, especially the old man's room. 

A few stepped towards the VIP room Alfred was halted by one of the bodyguards who gave him a haughty glare with a hoarse voice he questioned.

“And who are you?” 

“I'm.. I'm..” Alfred stuttered.

“I want to see the old man I brought in last night.” He finally uttered.

“I see, so it was you who placed him in this condition, right!” The bodyguard scoffed gazing at him superciliously.

Alfred arched his eyebrows in bewilderment.

“Sorry! I don't know what you are talking about,” Alfred muttered.

“You are in trouble, you son of a bitch, you have a lot of explaining to do once Mr. Jadin wakes up.” The bodyguard scowled.

The name resonates in Alfred's ear. He'd heard the name a lot as one of the most prominent men in New Chelsea city but he couldn't believe that was the man he rescued last night.

“Please can I see him?” Alfred persisted.

“Get the hell out of here you pauper, or else you are going to be treated as a criminal,” The bodyguard sneered. 

Alfred took a step backward, figuring out he wouldn't be allowed to see the man. He decided to leave everything behind and look for what to do next.

A few steps out of the hospital, Alfred was startled when someone nudged him from behind, he turned around to stare into the face of the nurse he had encountered last night.

“He demands to see your presence,” She blurted out with an intimidating glare.

“Who is that? please!” Alfred asked politely.

“What stupid question is that? seems you have gone knot, Who did you bring in last night?” She snarled.

Alfred figured out that engaging in more conversation with the nurse would only result in ridicule, left her, and jogged to the old man's VIP room. 

With a shaky hand, he held the knob of the door, twisted it, and walked into the well-ventilated room.

The room was lavishly decorated with a magnificent bed, it looked more like a master bedroom of an opulent man and not a hospital room.

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