Chapter two

Alfred gave him a haughty stare, he detests the sight of Jay Tyler, and can't wait to teach him a lesson one day.

Mallory commands the security to kick him out of the house.

“Take this pauper out of this house”

Alfred stared at her cold and indifferent demeanor, wondering how she changed in the space of two years that he left. When her grandfather Mr Albert initiated their marriage after saving his life from a deadly disease before he finally died a couple of years later, she was calm and courteous. Alfred was hoping there was a spot of love for him in her heart but now that he is back from prison, She is completely different, exuding an aura of a venomous lady. Alfred was snapped out of his reverie when a group of security men dragged him out of the Williams family. He felt the cold and sardonic gaze of the guest. 

Out of the Williams mansion, Alfred strayed the street of New Chelsea city with no particular destination in mind. It was getting to dusk and the weather wasn't friendly. 

Unexpectedly it began to pour heavily. Alfred had only one option and that was to head to Sydney's house. Sydney is his friend and a co-worker in the Semond company. He was the only person that could shelter him for the night. With his hands covering his head, he jogged to Sydney's apartment. 

In front of his apartment, he stood shivering in the cold like someone who had fallen in an ice water. He was about to knock when the door swung open. Sydney gasped at his sight like he was staring at a ghost.

“Oh my goodness! What the hell are you doing? How did you get out of prison?” Sydney muttered in shock.

“It's a long story, Syd, please can I spend the night at your place? I just got kicked out of the Williams mansion.” He pleaded, looking pathetic as his lips quivered in cold.

With a bit of hesitation, Sydney snorted,

“I'm sorry dude, Janet moved in with me. I don't think she will like the idea of having you already.”

“Ooh it's just for the night, I will be gone tomorrow before you know it.” Alfred beseeched his last hope of shelter, but staring at his friend's disregard for him, Alfred felt hopeless.

“No dude, I can't! You can seek help from someone else, maybe Jeffery, you know”. He blurted out nonchalantly without even considering the situation of his friend.

Alfred was almost at the point of tears. The rain was pounding on his body, drenched in it. He persisted, hoping Sydney could have a change of mind.

“Sydney, you need to help me. I promise I won't cause any trouble for you.”

“I can't help you, sorry dude. I don't want to get into trouble if the manager of Semond company finds out. I took you in after getting out of prison, I will risk losing my job.” He smirked 

“Like seriously!” Alfred looked dumbfounded at his friend's reason.

“You are not going to help me out because of that damn company. You knew very well I was framed. I don't deserve this from you, Sydney!” Alfred wasn't pleading anymore after seeing the reason why his friend wasn't accommodating him for a night. He was rather pissed off, Sydney was the only person who will have his back but obviously not. 

Gazing at his friend's unconcern face, he muttered,

“Fine! It's okay if you are not going to help me,” He walked away angrily. 

“Yeah, you can seek help somewhere else,” He blurted with a smirk on his face. Sydney slammed the door without a second thought. Letting his friends wander under the rain. 

The rainfall wasn't pounding hard anymore but was drizzling.

A few steps out of the Sydney apartment, Alfred screamed, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration. He punched the rain dropping down from the sky and cursed furiously in his mind. No hope of getting a roof over his head for the night. No money, no food, just the tattered outfit that he was putting on after his release, the same outfit he wore on the day of his arrest. 

Alfred felt miserable as he was about to sleep on the street. Sydney, who was the only person he called a friend, turned out to be just like the rest who made parodies of his wretched life. He kept roaming the desolated street of New Chelsea hoping to see a secure place to rest for the night. Drowned in his thoughts, Alfred was snapped back to the present when he heard a loud groan a few steps away from him. 

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