The lost heir of Jadin's Empire
The lost heir of Jadin's Empire
Author: Mary Mavi
Chapter one

The captivating decoration was magnificent, and ornamental light lit up the extravagant Williams family.

It was Mallory’s younger sister's wedding day, Chloe in William's mansion, the cheerful laughter and giggling filled the atmosphere.


But the joyful aura superseded as the murmur of irritation ripped through the gathered guests when a man draped in a tattered cloth walked into the house. He was greeted with a scornful look, as everyone stared contemptuously at him. He ignored the gaze of the crowd and strolled toward his in-laws. 

Mrs Williams, who noticed that the guest's attention was thrown towards the entrance, had assumed an important guest was arriving but when she veered around her expression shrieked fury, her gaze filled with disgust.

“How did this pauper get out of prison?” she thought, gritting her teeth in annoyance as Alfred marched towards her direction. She immediately halted his step with her hand raised signifying how wretched and disgusting his present stood.

“How dare you show your face in this family after what you did?”

Her voice dripped with venom. 

This caught the attention of the rest of the family. They all gathered to behold the sight of Alfred, their son-in-law who was sentenced to five years imprisonment over theft in his workplace. The whole family stared at him, their eyes blazed with anger.

“After what you did, you still had the guts to show your face, you perverts. You have no place in this family, you never did so turn around and leave this minute.” Mr William roared his voice trembling with rage.

Alfred stood motionless without uttering any word. His face read disappointment, upon hearing the taunting voice of those he considered family. 

“He must have escaped from the prison, his jail terms are not yet over. You should have rotted in prison, why show your face after stealing such a huge amount of money? You are just a leech, coming back to suck us again. Never!” Andrew Williams, the first son of the Williams family, slurred him, with a dreadful look.

“I never stole any money in the Semond company, you all know I was framed” Alfred tried to defend his innocence one more time but an eruption of laughter ripped through the guest. He could hear their mocking remark.

“He is not just a thief but a liar, making a fool of himself. Every piece of evidence pointed out that he stole the money.” one of the guests uttered.

“I wondered why Mallory made the mistake of accepting to marry this pauper. But thank goodness she has come to her senses, she deserves someone better than this loser.” Another guest revolted.

Alfred couldn't contain the scornful words thrown at him. He darted his eyes around in search of his wife Mallory Williams.

Talia, the wife of Andrew, chipped in, glaring at him disdainfully.

“Of all days to show your miserable face, you choose today. You just want to ruin my sister-in-law’s wedding” 

Choe Williams who couldn't stand his presence anymore sprinted to her mother, Mrs. Willams 

“Mother, do something you can't allow this hobo to ruin my wedding” 

“Don't worry dear, I won't allow him to ruin your day, I will call the police to come and put him back where he belongs. He probably escaped.” Mrs. William threw a dark gaze at Alfred and fetched her phone to call the police but was interrupted by Andrew.

“Mother, don't bother calling the police, the fool was among those that got pardoned by the government. I just checked the news now, Just throw him out.” Andrew scoffed.

“How come! he just got lucky, next time won't be the same” Talia muttered.

“Call the security to come and kick him out of here, I wouldn't allow him to ruin my daughter's wedding.” Mr William sneered, giving him a condescending gaze.

“You can't send me out of the house, I'm still married to Mallory, your daughter whom I cherish so…,” Alfred was still speaking when Mallory walked in with Jay Tyler, the only heir to Holden's company, both clenching each other like a new couple.

Alfred's eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld the sight of his wife Mallory with Jay Tyler, a chill crept up his spine at the sight of her protruded belly which Jay Tyler cupped with his hand. 

“Mallory! How co..? Who di...” Alfred stuttered, trying to make a proper sentence, he couldn't believe the sight before him. He was married to Mallory for five years before he was sent to Jail. In those five years, they did not consummate their marriage. He was gone for two years and Mallory is pregnant. 


“Who is responsible?” he managed to ask.

“Dummy! Seems like your few years in prison have gotten into your head.” Jay Tyler uttered making mockery of him.

“Isn't it obvious Alfred? I don't think you have the right to ask me such a question.” Mallory retorted her voice high-pitched dripping with disdain.

“I'm your husband, Mallory, so I have the right to know.”

“Well not anymore Alfred, I'm divorcing you right now! The divorce paper is already prepared and waiting for you to come back and sign it.” She muttered.

“What! You want to divorce me?” Alfred's voice tinged with a hint of shock.”

“Are you blind? Can't you see I'm with someone else already, just sign the damn paper and get the hell out of here.” her voice rang out with a vapor of revulsion.

He tried to take a step towards her.

“Don't you dare come close to me” She fumes.

“You heard her dummy, don't try to come any closer, she doesn't want to be infected with your wretchedness, sign the paper and get lost.” Jay Tyler uttered, his expression screamed ridicule.

Alfred took a deep breath to calm himself and curled his fist into balls, suppressing the urge to punch Jay Tyler and break his nose.

“You perverts, will you sign the paper and get out? My daughter doesn't want you anymore. My father made a mistake forcing my daughter to marry a lunatic like you.” Mr William raged.


“Mallory, is this what you want? I thought you had a spot for me in your heart,” Alfred turned to Mallory, with grief expressed on his face.

“Hahaha,” She let out a sarcastic laugh. "What spot? You must be out of your sense” she scoffed, “ I want this divorce more than anything Alfred.”

Alfred on hearing this felt his heart convulsing in pain, He loved and sacrificed his happiness for her but it obviously meant nothing to her. There and then he made a resolution to let her go. He had nowhere else to go but he wasn't going to stay back where he was not wanted.

“Fine! I will give you what you want.” Alfred signed the divorce paper and handed it over to Mallory.

“Good! Take your miserable self out of this house. Just for your information, my daughter won't be compensating you for anything, this is for wasting her precious time with that thing called marriage you think you had with my daughter. You leech” Mrs Williams sneered.

“I never said I wanted anything. She doesn't need to compensate me for anything,” Alfred uttered.

“He doesn't need anything, hahaha,” Jay Tyler laughed in a taunting manner. “ He must have stolen more than enough in the Semond company, that should be enough

for him.” Jay Tyler snorted. An outburst of laughter came from the guest who seemed to be enjoying the show. 

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