Rise Of The God Of War
Rise Of The God Of War
Author: Dark Crafter

Richland University.

At one of the biggest halls on the school premises, a grand party was underway. Today marked the birthday of one of the most popular girls in school, and the air buzzed with excitement and chatter.

"Shentelia, here is a limited edition Rolex watch. Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday! I have transferred a sum of one hundred thousand dollars to your Cash App. Enjoy."

"You look so beautiful today! Happy birthday."

One after another, students approached the celebrant, Shentelia Wright, who stood gracefully in the middle of the dance floor. She accepted the gifts with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling under the twinkling lights of the hall.

Shentelia was one of the most beautiful girls at Richland University, and her popularity extended far beyond the campus. A social media influencer, model, and actress, she captivated everyone with her long blonde hair, striking blue eyes, and luscious pink lips that made her irresistible. Her beauty was undeniable, a magnetic charm that drew people to her effortlessly.

And this gorgeous beauty happened to be the girlfriend of Zane, an average Joe in terms of wealth.

Zane stood in a corner of the grand hall, his eyes fixed on his girlfriend with a sad smile playing on his handsome face. Watching others present her with gifts worth thousands of dollars saddened him, as he couldn’t afford such luxuries.

He was just an orphan with no sustainable source of wealth, juggling multiple jobs to survive the harsh realities of Richland University. This institution, where most students were the children of wealthy families, made the cost of survival extremely high, and Zane felt the pressure keenly.

"Zane, where is your gift for Shentelia?" 

As he stood there, a young man approached him with a friendly smile. Zane recognized the voice—it was none other than his best friend, Julius.

"I will give it to her later," Zane responded, trying to mask his unease.

"You’re afraid you’ll be shunned by these geezers if you give her something cheap in public, right?" Julius giggled, understanding Zane’s predicament.

Zane smiled wryly. He did have a gift for her, but it was a lot cheaper compared to the others.

"Yeah, I know she would accept my gift, but I don't want to embarrass her by giving her something so cheap amidst all these expensive gifts."

"I understand. Haha, most times I wonder how you managed to win such a beauty."

"Because of my grades, I guess," Zane replied with a smile. Despite his financial struggles, he excelled academically, always topping his class. He took great pride in his achievements, believing that his intelligence and hard work would win the right kind of girl, and Shentelia seemed to be the right one.

While they were discussing, they noticed a commotion as other students gathered around and cheered loudly.

"Look, Brandon is proposing!"

"I need to record this and post it online. The richest man in school is proposing to the most beautiful lady."

"Say yes!"

Amidst the party, students formed a circle around two people, their phones held high to capture the moment.

"Why the heck is that bastard using Shentelia's party to propose, and who the heck is he proposing to?" Julius frowned, irritation clear in his voice.

"Let's go check it out," Zane suggested.

They strolled towards the gathering. In the middle of the circle stood a young man dressed extravagantly, kneeling on one knee while confessing to a very beautiful blonde.

"Become my girlfriend, Shentelia, and I will spoil you with expensive gifts and guarantee you a luxurious lifestyle that your boyfriend can’t afford," Brandon proposed, his voice filled with confidence.

"Say yes!"

"Say yes!!"

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

"Brandon is the son of the richest actor in Richland City. If she accepts his proposal, her chances of landing lead roles in movies would be higher," some students discussed among themselves.

"I heard she has a boyfriend!"

"You mean Zane? That geezer who has no money to his name. I saw him taking out the trash from the girls' dorm today. Who knows if he is even at the party?"

"Shentelia is better off without him. He has nothing to offer her that she doesn’t already have. In fact, his presence would only bring more misfortune for her."

No one noticed that the person they talked about was watching and hearing everything they said.

As for Zane, he was standing there, lost for words. Brandon was one of the many people who bullied him and made his life miserable. He had known for a long time that Brandon was jealous of him for winning the heart of one of the school's top beauties with his intelligence. But he never guessed Brandon would propose to her and publicly shame him in this manner.

"Zane, don’t worry, she won’t accept," Julius noticed the sad look on his buddy’s face and tried to cheer him up.

But he was soon proven wrong.

"Yes, Brandon, I accept to be your girlfriend," Shentelia accepted his proposal, her voice firm and decisive.

Brandon’s smile broadened as he stood up, placing his hands on her waist and drawing her close.


"She accepted!"

"I can’t believe I witnessed the greatest proposal in Richland’s history!"

"Latest couple in town, congratulations!"

Zane and Julius stared at Shentelia with dumbfounded expressions.

"Shentelia!" Zane called out, causing everyone to turn their attention to him.

"Zane, what are you doing here?" Shentelia asked, her voice shaking with surprise.

She was shocked to see him there.

"The geezer is even here?"

"Look at his cheap clothes. How could someone like this afford Shentelia?"

"Is he going to stand up against Brandon? Hehe, it’s going to be a shitshow soon."

The crowd was hyped, eager for a dramatic confrontation.

"Shentelia, I can’t believe you of all people would do this to me," Zane said, his voice filled with heartbreak.

"Zane..." Shentelia lowered her voice, unable to meet his eyes.

Brandon stepped forward, frowning.

"Who the heck are you to speak to my girlfriend in such a manner?" he yelled.

"Your girlfriend? Don’t make me laugh," Zane retorted fiercely.

He was sick and tired of being controlled by people like Brandon, who enjoyed their parents’ wealth without working for anything yet received all the respect.

"I never expected you would stoop so low as to confess to my girlfriend," Zane continued, his anger rising.

"Wow, he is challenging Brandon!"

"Brandon is dangerous. No one ever disrespects him and goes scot-free."

"How dare you disrespect me? It seems you have forgotten who I am," Brandon threatened, his voice dripping with menace.

Zane stood his ground before Brandon. He looked at Shentelia, who had her head bowed behind Brandon, and his emotions flared up even more.

"I don’t give a heck about you, Brandon! You can go to hell for all I care."

The whole crowd went silent, unable to believe Zane had dared to speak to Brandon in such a manner.

"Zane, please leave. Don’t cause trouble for my boyfriend," Shentelia spoke up, her words shocking Zane even more.

"You heard her, leave," Brandon added with a sneer.

"Shentelia, why? I thought you said you loved me," Zane's eyes reddened with a mixture of sadness, anger, and disappointment.

"I never did," Shentelia revealed coldly. "I only pretended to be in love with you because I needed someone to take care of my assignments and exams."

"Do you think I, a renowned actress, would sincerely fall in love with you? Stop dreaming, Zane. Now that I have Brandon, I no longer need you. Get out."

The more she spoke, the more heartbroken Zane became, while Brandon's smile widened as he drew Shentelia closer.

"Zane, know your place. You are a nobody," Brandon smirked.

"Fuck you!" Julius, who had been standing beside Zane, couldn’t take it anymore. He stepped forward and threw a punch at Brandon's face. However, suddenly, two muscular men in black suits appeared out of nowhere and stopped his punch. They were Brandon's well-trained bodyguards.

"Take care of these losers," Brandon commanded, and the bodyguards immediately sprang into action.

"Fuck you!" Julius gritted his teeth and cursed, but he was pushed back with a strong punch to the face.

Zane stood there, looking at Shentelia, who smirked at him. His face reflected extreme sadness.

He was still looking at her when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

"You have erred against the young master! You deserve to die!" one of the bodyguards said as he landed another punch on Zane's face, causing him to fall to the ground with a bleeding nose.

"Take these two fuckers out and beat them up. They are ruining the party with their poverty," Brandon commanded, and the two guards dragged both of them outside.

Zane was weak and couldn’t fight back. All his life, he had always been weak and never fought back. However, he felt a small sense of satisfaction after standing up to Brandon today. But he knew his life would be hell from now on.

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