Zane's eyes opened in a new room. He looked around and couldn't understand why he was in this place.

"Where am I?" he asked himself as he raised his upper torso to get a better look at the room he was in.

The room was big and wide. There were several stretchers, and on those stretchers were people who seemed to be in a bad state. Some even had fractured legs and broken arms wrapped in bandages.

"It seems I am in a hospital," he thought inwardly.

"Where is Julius?" He recalled what had happened at his girlfriend's party—or rather, his ex-girlfriend, since they were no longer together.

Although he was saddened by that fact, he knew it would be useless to be sad about losing a pretentious girlfriend.

He was more worried about his buddy.

"Hey, nurse?" he called out, trying to get the attention of any nurse around.

"Hey, keep your voice down!" two men yelled at him almost simultaneously.

They were patients on the stretcher close to him. One looked really sick with a pale face, while the other had a broken arm.

"Sorry," Zane apologized. "Where are the nurses?"

"Is this your first time in a modern hospital? Can't you see that bell beside your bed?" They spoke pretty harshly to Zane.

Zane didn't retort. This was indeed his first time in a modern hospital. How could a poor orphan like him experience such expensive treatment?

Zane looked beside the bed. He saw the bell and immediately clicked it.

Thirty seconds later, two beautiful nurses walked in and approached his bed with frowns on their faces.

"Isn't he the one who got beaten up at a school party?" one nurse whispered to her colleague as they made their way toward Zane.

"Yeah, he is," the other replied.

"Such a loser. I can't believe a beautiful lady would personally bring him to this hospital. He is really lucky."

Zane could not hear what they said, but from the way they looked at him while speaking, he could easily tell they were discussing him. He didn't mind; he was already used to it.

"Why did you call for us?" they asked with a frown.

"Sorry I disturbed you. I just want to know how I got here and where my friend is," Zane asked.

"A kind and wealthy beautiful lady brought you here. You were the only one she brought. However, she told us to inform you that your friend, Julius, is fine," the nurses reported.

"A beautiful lady?" Zane was pretty confused. Who was this lady they were talking about?

No pretty or rich lady would want to mingle with him, especially after what happened at the party.

"What is her name, please?" he asked, curious to know who his helper was.

"She asked us not to reveal her identity," the nurse replied.

"Oh," Zane muttered lowly.

'I really wanted to thank her,' he thought to himself.

The two nurses looked at each other before one of them brought out a brand-new phone from her pocket and gave it to Zane.

"She asked us to give you this."

Zane received the phone with deep surprise etched on his handsome face.

'She even gave me a phone? Who is she exactly, and why is she doing all this for me?' Zane thought, but there was no one to answer his questioning thoughts.

He looked at the phone and observed that it was unlike any phone he had used in the past. Even the brand name was quite strange.


"She said you can only switch on the phone when you are alone, so don't you dare go against her orders," the nurse warned.

This made Zane even more suspicious about what the phone was about.

"You are okay already, so you can leave," one of the nurses said.

"Oh, but..." Zane wanted to ask about the price for his treatment.

"Don't worry, she already paid for everything and even brought some clothes for you. On your way out, the receptionist will give them to you." After the nurse said this, they turned their backs and left.

Leaving Zane confused.

"Who exactly is this lady? Why is she helping me this much, and why did she ask me to unlock this phone when I am alone? Did she leave some kind of message for me and doesn't want anyone to know about it?" he asked.

"Anyway, I need to leave this hospital as soon as possible, see what this phone is about, and maybe I might even get to know who this mysterious kind lady is," he reminded himself.

Then he stood up and prepared to leave. However, the two patients by his side looked at him with jealousy and envy.

"Lucky bastard," they mumbled in jealousy.

However, Zane had already left the room and was now standing in front of the unfriendly receptionist.

"Take it and get dressed, then get your poor ass out of this hospital," she told him in a rather unfriendly tone before handing him a new set of clothes.

Zane was already used to others calling him poor. He even lost his girlfriend because he was poor, so why would he be bothered about someone saying it out loud?

'I just wish that one day, everything will change and no one will ever look down on me,' he thought to himself.

Unknowingly to him, his life was going to undergo a drastic change very soon.

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