
We walked back to the car without saying a word to one another.

It was as if Sophia was giving me a little bit of space after what had happened, though how long that was going to continue I had no idea.

In a way, I wasn’t sure if I wanted it to continue.

All I could think about were the memories that I had absorbed from the man I had drunk dry and then thrown into the river.

They were separate from my own memories, my new Immateria brain could pick apart which memories I had made myself and which ones I had absorbed from someone else, and they were already beginning to fade from my mind.

I could feel that when they had faded completely was when I was going to need to feed again.

“So what now?” I asked as I sat down in the driver's seat.

With no job to rush back to and my newly acquired vampiric thirst sated I felt a bit like a leaf blowing in the wind.

“Now we get you registered with the Immateria Council,” Sophia sighed, “Right now you’re basically illegal, so we need to sort
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