
When Sophia had said that she wanted to go to a bar to get some drinks in as a way to help hunt the vampire I’d half thought that she was joking.

Three rum and cokes later and with a slight buzz in the back of my head from the alcohol I could see that couldn’t have been further from the truth.

I felt a little uneasy being back in a club after what had happened the last time. I knew that I was a lot less vulnerable now that I was an Immateria. When I’d brought up the issue with Sophia she’d told me that a knife would now simply bend against my skin if anyone tried to stab me with one.

It was a comfort, but the anxiety was still there. My heart raced in time with the drum and bass beat and I sat as far into the corner as I could, watching people dance on the dance floor.

It didn’t help that I now had a significantly enhanced sense of smell, either. The entire room smelt of sickly sweet drink and fresh sweat.

Sophia didn’t seem to mind, though. She was in amongst the medley, dancing
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