Chapter 11. Recruitment

Xavier left Victor's office, determination in his stride. He had a plan, and now it was time to execute it. His first stop was the city's underworld, where mercenaries and black-market dealers lurked.

He had paid the system ten gold coins to get a list of the most reputable mercenary group in the country.

He arrived at the infamous Red Diamond bar, a hub for illicit activities. The bouncer, a towering giant, eyed Xavier before nodding.

"You here for business or pleasure?"

Xavier smiled. "Business. I'm looking for Jack Harris."

The bouncer's expression changed from curiosity to caution. "What do you want with Jack?"

Xavier handed him a hundred dollar bill roll. "Tell him Xavier wants to discuss a job."

The bouncer pocketed the bill and disappeared into the crowded bar. Minutes later, he returned with a rugged-looking man in his mid-40s.

"Xavier, this is Jack Harris," the bouncer said before melting into the crowd.

Jack's piercing gaze assessed Xavier. "What's the job?"

Xavier gestured to an empty table. "Let's talk."

Over whiskey and cigars, Xavier outlined his plan. Jack listened intently, his expression unreadable.

"You want me to join a private army to take down the Hale family?" Jack summarized.

Xavier nodded. "That's right. And I'm willing to pay top dollar."

Jack snorted. "You're either very brave or very stupid."

Xavier smiled. "Let's say I have a score to settle."

Jack leaned back, his eyes narrowing. "I'm in, but I have conditions."

Xavier raised an eyebrow. "Name them."

"First, I choose my team. Second, we get to keep our gear. Third, you guarantee our safety."

Xavier nodded. "Done. But I have conditions too."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What are they?"

"You and your team must be loyal only to me. No side jobs, no betrayals."

Jack smiled, a cold glint in his eye. "You've got my word."

"Now for your troubles." Xavier handed Jack a wad of cash. It was about three thousand dollars.

With Jack on board, Xavier's recruitment efforts gained momentum. Next, he met Alex, a tech expert with a talent for hacking.

"I'm in, but I need better gear," Alex said, eyeing Xavier's equipment.

Xavier smiled. "You'll get the best. And a 10% cut of all profits."

Alex's eyes widened. "Deal."

Then, Xavier recruited Lila, a skilled sniper with a troubled past.

"I'm in, but I need protection," Lila said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Xavier's expression softened. "You'll have my protection, Lila. And a new identity."

Lila's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you."

Just as Xavier was about to leave the building. The bouncer came up to him and handed him a piece of paper. There seemed to be a note written on the paper.

"Seems you've got a job that requires not only manpower, but also talent. Meet me at Helios Hotel in one hour and we will talk. The name's Maximus Perch of KWE mercenary."

Xavier's legs almost went jelly.. he had just received an invitation from the leader of the Killer-Wolves Mercenary group? The most powerful man in the entire Mafia society? Leader of the strongest mercenary group in the world? Is this a prank?


Host should accept the invitation.»

Xavier didn't think twice and left the building, boarded a cab towards Helios Hotel.


Xavier arrived at the luxurious Helios Hotel, where Maximus Perch, leader of the renowned KWE Squad, had agreed to meet. As he entered the suite, he was greeted by Maximus's imposing figure.

Maximus, a towering giant with piercing blue eyes, extended a massive hand. "Xavier, good to meet you."

Xavier shook his hand firmly. "The pleasure's mine, Maximus. Your reputation precedes you."

"Now, before I join you, I want you to convince me just as you convinced the others. Recruit me." Maximus said.

"Alright." Xavier replied.

Maximus smiled, gesturing to a seat. "Let's get down to business. What makes you think I'd be interested in joining forces?"

Xavier leaned forward. "I've heard about the KWE Squad's impressive track record. I believe your skills would be invaluable in my... endeavor."

Maximus raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly is this endeavor?"

Xavier outlined his plan to take down the Hale family, leaving out no details. Maximus listened intently, his expression unreadable.

When Xavier finished, Maximus leaned back. "I'm intrigued, but I have conditions."

Xavier nodded. "Name them."

"We'll only be business partners, not employer and employee. The KWE Squad remains autonomous."

Xavier nodded thoughtfully. "I understand. But before we discuss terms, I'm curious... Tell me your story, Maximus. How did you become the leader of the world's most famous mercenary group?"

Maximus's expression softened, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "It's a long story, but I'll give you the short version."

He leaned forward, his voice taking on a reflective tone.

"I grew up on the streets of Moscow, son of a former Spetsnaz operative. My father taught me everything he knew. I honed my skills in the Russian military, then went mercenary."

Xavier listened intently as Maximus continued.

"I met my core team – Starlet, Kelly, and Elixir – during a job in Africa. We clicked, and the KWE Squad was born. We took on high-risk missions, built our reputation, and never looked back."

Maximus's eyes sparkled with pride. A fake expression he had honed in the past.

"We've worked for governments, corporations, and even other mercenary groups. But we've always remained loyal to each other. That's the secret to our success."

Xavier's eyes locked onto Maximus's. "I understand. Loyalty is everything."

Maximus nodded. "Exactly. And that's why I'll only partner with someone who shares that value."

Xavier smiled. "I think we're on the same page, Maximus." Just then he saw Maximus' facial expression change.

"It seems Mister Xavier, that you and I are more alike in more ways than one. Perhaps it's best I tell you the long version of my story." Maximus said with an unreadable expression.

"Why the change of heart? How are we alike?" Xavier became a bit puzzled. The system wasn't saying anything which was unlike the all-knowing system.

"Allow me to tell you the story of my rise to fame. Perhaps it will help you reset your path on how to take down the Hale family."

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