William scanned the elemental, searching for any sign of weakness. The core was the key, he reminded himself, the central point of its power. His eyes finally settled on a pulsating spot near the center of the elemental’s chest. It glowed brighter than the rest, a rhythmic pulse that seemed to dictate the flow of the elemental’s energy.

“Focus your attacks on the core!” William shouted to his serpents. They immediately adjusted their strategy, striking with renewed purpose. The elemental roared in response, sensing the threat to its core. It lashed out with waves of fire, each blast more intense than the last. William could feel the heat searing his skin, but he pushed through the pain, determined to see this through.

Drawing upon the power of the crystal he had obtained, William channeled its energy into his sword. The blade glowed with a brilliant light, cutting through the fiery air with ease. He advanced on the elemental, dodging its attacks with agility born of desperation. Each
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