The Realm of Fire awaited William with its fiery embrace. As he stepped through the portal, the temperature surged dramatically. The heat was oppressive, a wall of scalding air that seemed to press down on him with every breath.

He found himself standing on a vast expanse of molten lava, with streams of fire flowing like rivers of liquid flame. The ground was a jagged, volcanic landscape, with blackened rocks and smoldering craters scattered across it. The sky above was a swirling vortex of flames and ash, casting an ominous red glow over the entire realm.

In the distance, William could see a towering fortress built into the side of a massive volcano. The fortress was an imposing structure of blackened stone and iron, its spires reaching toward the fiery sky. It was clear that this would be his destination, but getting there would not be easy.

As he began to traverse the treacherous terrain, William encountered the first of the realm’s inhabitants: the Fire Wraiths. These ghostly figu
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