"Do you really mean Ziros Nation of all places?" Mark Grayson asked with a slight frown on his face. The very mention of Ziros Nation seemed to send a shiver down his spine.

He had heard tales of that place, dark and terrifying stories that made it seem like a land straight out of a nightmare and they are proofs of how dangerous it is everywhere across the world making that place the scarriest.

Carson nodded in response, his face grim. He knew what he was asking of his team, and he didn't make the suggestion lightly. "Yes, Ziros Nation. There's no other way,"

"What! Then this is a bad idea. We can't go there. If we go there, it would be akin to doubling our problems. That place is a nightmare!" Mark Grayson said, raising his voice slightly. He looked around at his fellow hunters, hoping to see agreement in their faces.

"I agree. We really can't go to that place. After all, even Rank 5 elites have been lost to that place. We don't even know if they died or got taken away by gods know
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