Inside the tower, the darkness was oppressive, almost tangible. The only light came from the faintly glowing symbols on the door behind them, casting eerie shadows along the rough stone walls.

The hunters hesitated for a moment, their eyes adjusting to the dim light, before pressing forward into the unknown.

The passageway was narrow, barely wide enough for two people to walk side by side. The walls seemed to close in on them, and the ceiling was so low that even the shorter hunters had to stoop slightly to avoid brushing their heads against it.

The floor was uneven, covered in a thick layer of dust and debris that muffled their footsteps. The only sound was the soft crunch of their boots on the ground, echoing eerily in the confined space. It was as if the tower was absorbing the noise, swallowing it into the depths of its ancient structure.

The further they ventured into the passageway, the more they felt the oppressive atmosphere of the tower weighing down on them.

The walls see
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