William’s eyes narrowed as the demon rushed forward, closing the distance between them with terrifying speed. The air around them crackled with dark energy as the demon’s claws swiped through the air, aiming straight for William’s chest.

But William was ready. He sidestepped at the last possible moment, feeling the whoosh of air as the claws sliced through empty space just inches from his body.

With a swift motion, William countered, slashing his sword across the demon’s midsection.

The blade cut deep, but the demon barely flinched, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest as he turned to face William again.

"Is that all you’ve got, human?" the demon sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You’ll have to do better than that if you hope to survive."

William didn’t respond. His focus was entirely on the fight, his mind racing as he analyzed every move, every slight shift in the demon’s stance. This wasn’t just a battle of strength; it was a battle of wits, and William knew he had to
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