As William stepped through the portal, the world around him dissolved into a blur of light and energy.

The sensation was disorienting, as if he were being pulled through a tunnel at breakneck speed, but it lasted only a moment. When the light faded, he found himself standing in a place that defied all sense of reality.

The ground beneath his feet was blackened and cracked, as if the very earth had been scorched by an unrelenting fire.

Flames flickered and danced across the landscape, casting an eerie, orange glow that bathed everything in a hellish light.

The air was thick with heat, and the smell of sulfur and burning flesh hung heavy in the air, making it difficult to breathe.

All around them, the landscape stretched out in a twisted, nightmarish expanse. Jagged mountains loomed in the distance, their peaks wreathed in fire and smoke.

Rivers of molten lava snaked through the land, their glowing currents radiating an intense heat that made the skin prickle.

And everywhere they l
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