The robotic voice barely finished speaking when the ground beneath the hunters began to tremble violently. Before they could react, the floor cracked open beneath their feet, creating a gaping tunnel that spiraled downward into darkness. Without a moment’s hesitation, William shouted, “Into the tunnel! Move!”

The hunters, their instincts honed by the countless battles they had fought, didn’t waste time questioning. They jumped into the tunnel, their bodies sliding down the smooth, obsidian-like surface as the walls blurred past them.

The descent was steep, and the sensation of speed was dizzying, but none of them allowed fear to take hold. They knew that whatever awaited them at the end of this tunnel was the final challenge of the tower.

The tunnel seemed to stretch on endlessly, the darkness oppressive and suffocating. But far ahead, a faint light appeared, growing brighter as they drew closer. The sight of it brought a spark of hope to the hunters—they were nearing the end.

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