Chapter 143: The Legendary Family
“Am I the one you're talking to in such a manner?” The Chancellor asked in an angry tone and Smith got annoyed.

“Who are you?” He asked in a cold and firm tone.

The man was threatened and shaken by Smith's tone. Somehow, he had a feeling that Smith wasn't an ordinary person. He seemed to be an experienced person.

The man cleared his throat and adjusted the glass on his face then slammed his hand on the table. “I didn't call you here to question me. I just want you to know that fighting or bullying isn't allowed in this institution,” the man said.

“Okay but you should have…” the man interrupted Smith before he could complete his statement.

“And as for the girl you got into a fight with, I have warned her and I'm sure such a thing won't happen again,” the Chancellor said and he nodded his head in response.

With a single glance, he could tell that the Chancellor was lying to him about scolding the girl he bumped into but he didn't say anything about it.

“Okay, sir. I'll take my lea
Rare gem writes

Dearest Gentle Readers, as you can see, your wonderful author is back. Back with wonderful plot twist that you can't resist. I love you all. The updates will increase with time. I love you all very much. By author, Rare Gem Write

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