Having operated a casino for over several years,Tony was naturally confident and not the least bit afraid of gambling with Derek.

He was extremely confident about winning against Derek.

“Of course, if you agree to bet, you must accept to lose. Mr. Tony, if you lose in a shortwhile, I hope you will keep your promise,” Derek said indifferently.

Tony slicked his greased hair again and said with utmost confidence, “Punk, you’re mad! Tell me, how do you want to play? You really think I'll lose to you? Then keep dreaming."

“We’ll play a simple game where the person with the highest card wins. We can also play dice or poker. How does that sound?”

“Of course. How do we decide the winner?”

“When one side admits defeat. How about that?” Derek narrowed his eyes.

The people around were suddenly in an uproar again.

There would usually be a standard set point in such gambling games, such as the number of rounds, number of wins by one party, or when one party lost everything.

A rule where the game w
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