When Perry saw how bold and fearless Derek was, his facial muscles twitched a little as he gritted his teeth with great resentment and viciousness in his eyes.

With a hypocritical grin, he said, “Hehe, why would I do that? Since I invited you here, I naturally have something to discuss with you.”

He thought he had hidden his intentions well. But being a sharp and shrewd person, Derek had long seen through Perry.

“Mr. Perry, don’t beat around the bush with me. If you have anything to say, just say it.” Derek couldn’t be bothered to exchange hypocritical pleasantries with him. He simply leaned against the couch and got straight to the point.

Seeing Derek taking the lead in the conversation, Perry was displeased, and his face immediately turned dark.

He waved his hand, and the few scantily clad beauties sitting beside him immediately walked out of the room.

Soon, only Derek, Perry, and a burly man who followed Perry wherever he went were the only ones left in the large private room.

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