Chapter 127: Yes, it’s my drama

“Matt!” Cipher exclaimed in fear. This was the first time the boy had encountered such a situation, and he didn’t know how to snowboard. He couldn’t catch up with his friend.

Matt’s situation was becoming increasingly dire. If things continued, the boy would throw himself down the snowy slope, and by then, his tiny body would collide with various obstacles below. Surely, he wouldn’t survive!

Harry stood next to Edward, his face pale. He stood still, paralyzed by the terrifying scene in front of him.

“No!” Harry snapped out of his shock. He slid down on his snowboard towards Matt. Only he could save Matt now. Neither Edward nor Cipher knew how to snowboard; the only hope rested on Harry.

When Harry was just a few steps away from Matt, a lightning-fast figure came from behind, even faster than Harry’s snowboarding speed. The person didn’t utter a word, but shoved Harry aside and headed straight for Matt. The familiar yet terrifying figure that pushed Harry aside was none other than Edwa
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