Chapter 148: Miss Janet, this is improper behavior.

“Call Hernan here! If that old man doesn’t show up in five minutes, I’ll die along with the child in my womb!” Janet shouted loudly towards the door, holding a piece of broken glass in her hand.

Hearing this, the bodyguards were in panic. Janet’s hunger strike had already made them anxious, and now, with her acting like this, it seemed like a serious situation. Edward had warned them to take care of Janet carefully, and if anything happened to her, they would be in trouble.

“What should we do, boss?” “Open the door and see what’s going on!” He said and gently opened the door to assess the situation inside, wanting to see if Janet intended to commit suicide or if it was just a threat. Moreover, there were many people outside, so cracking the door wouldn’t be an issue.

“Why? Are you scared?” As soon as she saw someone peering inside, Janet lifted her head and threw the piece of glass directly into her abdomen. Blood dripped from the wound.

“Miss Janet, have you gone mad?” The bodyguards
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