Chapter 154:

Felicia looked back in amazement; her mother had previously instructed that the bride should meet no one before the wedding, and everyone should create a private space for her. It was considered a tradition to show dignity and ceremony. So why was there someone behind her? Could it be that the person behind was unaware of this tradition?

“Felicia, what’s wrong?” Seeing Felicia silent, the woman behind her asked again.

“Sorry, but I must respectfully decline your proposal. We have a tradition that the bride, before getting married, should meet no one outside, especially when I don’t even know who you are.”

The woman smiled gently and whispered in Felicia’s ear, “Felicia, this tradition is outdated, and you don’t have to follow your mother’s strict rules!”

“Thank you for your kind suggestion, but I prefer to stick to our traditions.” Felicia tactfully declined; she didn’t know the woman, and there was no reason for her to follow her.

The woman frowned slightly, initially assuming that F
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