Chapter 104: What Did I Do To Save Your Son?

“SIR WESLEY,” Jake greeted on the other line.

He stood up from the couch and gave Nicole a deadly glance before he went onto their terrace to hear Wesley properly. “I’m sorry for what happened. I didn’t know why the hackathon event led to such ridiculous results?”

“Ridiculous?” asked Wesley as he laughed sarcastically on the other line. “Geo Saundler removed all the manipulations coming from our family for the competition to be fair and square.”

“What?” The tip of Jake’s brows pressed hard as he heard what Wesley said. “August won that competition without any manipulations?”

“He did.”

Jake wasn’t able to speak for a moment. A hint of envy and annoyance became evident in his expression. Suddenly, he became envious that August, who was once in their company, became popular and valuable in a span of months.

He realized that if only he didn’t mess up with Bruce, or the other way around, he could have used his talents to make the Sandoval Corporation prosper.

“Trance,” Jake called his most
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