Chapter 106: Why Would I Side With You?


That was the only word that came to August’s mind as he heard Bruce’s statement. Bruce already left him as he went into his own car.

However, he thought that everything he said was pure bluffing since he was not that popular in the industry already.

And maybe, it really does.

A month later, August had risen to the top more than he could ever imagine. No one doesn’t know him now. Aside from being a key employee in the Remington corporation, Charles’ also allowed him to create his special team under the strategy department.

With new inventions to manufacture, and with new ideas that made the company prosper, August had partnered with different subsidiaries with Charles’ help, including Johnson Gaming with Harvey.

In fact, Harvey and August were together today in the Remington Corporation building to sign their agreement on their partnership. There were only a few reporters inside, and some employees from the Remington Corporation.

Since August took care of some of the busin
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