Chapter 124


Esme was seated with some of her guards, they had managed to get a blueprint of the house where Daniel entered when he left the building. She kept her eyes on the file in front of her as she nodded slowly.

She could've let them go as they didn't really cause her son harm in any way, but she couldn't sleep knowing that the people who had her son kidnapped were roaming tge soio freely. She wouldn't be able to live with that. And another reason was the fact that she felt they had insulted her and she wouldn't take such insult lying down.

She wanted to make her attack smooth and easy, fast too. So she knew she had to be calm. As the right time would come, and she would strike when the time was right.

“The walls are made of granite” she heard one of the men say, he was not talking to her, rather he was talking to another person in the room, but her hearing managed to grab onto it.

“Going in there would be a suicide mission. Heck, she wouldn't
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